Chapter 35

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"So let me get this straight you want me to help you for your new song so you can play for simon?" Shawn spoke into his phone. He was currently using his shoulder to hold it up to his ear as he played around with his brown guitar.

"All right. I'd be happy to help you camila." Shawn nonchalantly told her, he enjoyed helping camila, in a way he felt that he owed camila just as much as she claimed she owed him. If it wasn't for her some of the opportunities they were getting, would have never happened without her.

"THANK YOU!" Camila squealed before hanging up the phone causing shawn to look at his phone for a few seconds before laughing softly to himself.

"Harley..Why do you care about finding so much about lauren..." A thuggish looking male with long black hair asked as he took a drag from his cigarette.

Harley looked at the man with an annoyed look. "Don't worry about it. I just need to find out if she still lives in aeston. Do you know or not?"

The man seemed to examine Harley for a few seconds before smirking. "I have no clue."

From his tone Harley could tell that the man wasn't telling him something, but Harley also knew better than to accuse the man of lying. That would definitely cause an altercation.

The man growled, helping austin out was seeming more and more tedious every hour. If lauren lived in aeston he had no doubt people knew about it. If he did the only explanation was that they were protecting him.

Why would they do that though?

Harley had enough of questioning. "Alright, thanks. I'ma find answers myself since you guys aren't helping."

Before Harley could even begin to walk away, however he felt the man grab his arm.

"Harley, I've known you for a long time, but you need to drop this. A lot of people in the town like lauren and if your trying to cause trouble..." The man said seriously not bothering to finish his statement, he knew Harley could figure it out.

Harley snatched his arm out of the man's grip. "If that was a threat it was a weak one." Harley replied as he continued walking away, although his unasked question had just been answered.

The people of aeston were protecting lauren.

"God damn it." Harley muttered in frustration as he got into his car and laid his head on the steering wheel. If he wasn't so bored, there was no way he would go through all of this just to bring his sissy brother out of his depression.

Suddenly a thought came to his mind, however.

"If they are protecting him...That means she must still live here.." Harley concluded, but he knew unless he had solid proof of that he wouldn't be able to blackmail austin's ex. At least he was getting somewhere.

"So..More than likely lauren lives in aeston, but if I want camila to go along with my bargain, I have to be able to prove that she does. Nobody in aeston, however will rat lauren out for whatever reason so unless I can find out where she lives..." Harley spoke to himself before finally smirking as he came up with what he needed to do.

Luckily he still remembered the apartment complex he had seen lauren at years earlier. If he was lucky lauren might still live there.

"So lucy, how is it being a model?" Dinah questioned.

The group had all gathered in lucy's kitchen so she could get them all something to eat. The condo wasn't as large as the outside had made it appear, but it was every bit as luxurious. Granite counters, cabinets made from the finest wood. It was all extremely beautiful.

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