Chapter 36

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Man, I still can't believe how good your cooking is now lucy." Lauren complimented as she patted her stomach. For such a small meal it definitely hit the spot.

Lucy brushed a few of her locks from in front of her face. "I'm offended laur, I thought you said my cooking was always good." She stated as she got closer to lauren having caught her in her lie.

Lauren gave a nervous chuckle.

"See lucy, she is just as bad as me." Dinah chimed in as she licked a few of his fingers, also having enjoyed the meal.

"Well at least lauren was willing to eat my food even if she thought it was going to be bad, unlike some people!" Lucy stated as she turned her attention towards dinah.

Lauren let out a breath of relief before chuckling as she watched dinah try to justify why she wasn't going to eat her food at first. It was really amazing at how much lucy had changed once lauren thought about It.
Lauren didn't want to she couldn't help, but take notice of the curves that the girl had developed over the years, usually she wasn't the type to take notice of such things, especially now that she was dating camila, but the small pink dress that stopped well above her knees made it pretty hard to ignore.

Suddenly lauren took notice of something that had managed to elude her since she had arrived.

"Hey lucy...That ring that you have on your finger..." lauren suddenly voiced her thoughts bringing both dinah's and lucy's attention to her

The girl's eyes instantly went towards her finger to look at the ring. "Oh so you noticed!"

Dinah seemed to be a bit confused as to why lauren would randomly point out her ring, but she didn't say anything instead opting to wait to see where the conversation led.

"That can't be the same ring..There is no way you still have that old thing." Lauren continued further confusing dinah.

A large grin came to lucy's face as she nodded. "Of course it is! This was the first present you ever gave me, there is no way I'd lose it."

Suddenly dinah's eyes widened as the memory came to her. The memory of lucy's tenth birthday.

"Wow luce...I can't believe you've kept that this entire time...And it looks like it's in perfect condition too." Lauren muttered still a bit shocked, she found that ring laying around while she was playing around back in aeston, she thought it would be nice to give the ring to her.

Lucy nodded as her hands went up to play with the ring, back then it was to big for her to wear on her finger, so she used a string to tie it on her neck and used it as a necklace back then

"Yeah..I don't wear it often, only for special occasions."

"This is a special occasion?" Lauren questioned.

Lauren didn't notice the blush that came to lucy's cheeks, but dinah did and her eyes briefly narrowed and an eyebrow raised.

Dinah's mind was reeling. Girls don't just keep presents from friends for years. Not unless the person that gave them the present was extremely important to them. The blonde haired girl's eyes went to lauren as lucy explained how the special occasion was the three of them hanging out again.

"Lucy and lauren were always close..." dinah thought as she watched the two laugh. After a few seconds of thinking dinah finally sighed and put a hand through her hair.

"Nah...No way, there is no way lucy likes lauren. I mean even if she did when we were younger the feelings would have definitely died by now..Right?" Dinah continued to think.

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