Hot tears

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Lances POV

"What the hell lance!" Keith's voice rang through the coms.

"Lance pay attention and cover Keith!" Shiro yelled. My lion shook as I tried to take another blast from the Galra's ship.

"Sorry!" I said flying over to Keith's side to cover him while he covers me. I take a deep breath and mute my coms for a second, please not now.
"Great work everyone! You did great today!" Coran smiled as we walked into the control room.

We all sat down in our chairs, then Allura walked through the door and stood next to Coran.

"Yes! you guys did good out there. Pidge did you get some information?" Allura asked. Pidge handed a chip to the princess.

"I did actually! I found that there is a galra station near here that has some valuable information we might need." Pidge said smirking at her new findings. She typed away at her computer and slid a photo to the screen showing a base.

"Excellent pidge!" Allura said, she clapped her hands and looked around the group.

"Well anyway, the princess is right we did good today!" Shiro said standing up from his chair and walked over to the princess.

"We would've been better if lance paid attention more. He almost blew the mission!" Keith said folding his arms while glaring at me.

"Sorry I was just trying to take out ships as many ships as I can." I smirked, trying to keep eye contact as long as possible.

"Well shiro said to cover me. Not to show off like you always do!" Keith said rolling his eyes.

"I wasn't trying to show off, but I guess it's just a natural gift." I said, winking at Keith.

He rolled his eyes, he got up and walked out the door assuming he's going to the training deck like he always does.

"Well everyone go get some rest and I'll call everyone later for a meeting after dinner." Allura dismissed us and we disband in different ways.

I walked out of the room and went to my room to change into my normal clothes. When I took off my suit, I looked down to my wrists notice some of my recent and old cuts.

My vision became blurry, I take deep breathes and shake my head. I wipe the tears off my face, I put on my shirt and pants, then I reached for my jacket.

I walked out of my room and walked to the dining room to find hunk in the kitchen cooking us our dinner. The same thing we had since we got here about a year ago, weird green goo.

"Hey Hunk! How's it going man." I smiled. Hunk turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh hey lance! Didn't hear you walk in." He said turning to look at the food again.

"But nothing, just doing what I always do at this time." Hunk said, focusing on the food.

"Well imma go see what everyone else is doing" I frowned. I turned to leave, I looked back at my best friend to see him completely focused on the stove. I walk over to Pidge to see what she was doing, she stares at me with curiosity

"Lance, what are you doing"She whined. waving me away from fragile things.

"Nothing, just seeing what your doing" I smiled. I tried to touch something, but she glared at me.

"If you're just gonna touch random things, can you just be careful okay?" She said looking me from the corner of her eyes.

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