Theres trouble in the air you can smell it

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Your cruel and evil bitch is back and better then ever....btw I love ur guys comments on every chapter is makes my heart flutter like I'm eating flan. ALSO ITS MY BAD BITCHES BIRTHDAY......MY BBY PIDGE!!!

Imma set the mood (*cue little too late* I start sobbing because I know what gonna happen in the chapter and in future and you guys don't BAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Tell me why I cracked out laughing and cried while reading comments on the last 'chapter'!!! I can't stop laughing, especially since I was in public while reading these, people wouldn't stop laughing at me! I was dying but thank you! I know I'm evil am sorry loves but as promised here you go.... #evilbitchesonly

3rd POV

"LANCE! TO YOUR RIGHT!" Keith yelled and lance shot the simulator right between its 'eyes'

"Nice shot sharpshooter!" Keith smiled and lance smirked

"Well what can you say, you bring out the best of me." Lance said flipping his hair dramatically.

"Lance can you just take the compliment and leave it alone!" Keith said laughing

"Hey! The Keith Kogane never I mean NEVER gives out complements! I'm just trying to savor this moment!" Lance said smiling

"Come on, I'm hungry!" Keith said dragging lance out of the training room into the kitchen where Hunk is busy whipping up something good.

"Hey hunk! What are you making?" Lance asked his best friend

"I'm trying to make the space good have flavor!" Hunk said rubbing his temples obviously frustrated. We laughed for a moment until James walked into the kitchen looked clueless on where he was. He saw me and I smiled, I looked over at Keith and he turned to talk to Hunk.

"Hey James! Over here!" I called out to him and he walked over to us.

"Hey guys, what are you up too?" He asked and hunk let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm trying to make this go have flavor because the thing taste like smarties mixed with those things you buy to make your drink sweet! It disgusting and I'm trying to make them better.." Hunk explained

"He's the chief of the team, you see Keith is our samurai *keith rolled his eyes laughing*, Pidge is like our tech genius, Hunk is the chief and the sunshine, Shiro is like our dad/ leader, Allura like like the space mom/ princess, Coran is like the funky uncle you used to have back on earth *James and I started laughing*, and to top it off I'm the sharpshooter/ goofball!" I explained

"Seriously! You guys have titles, wow! I wonder what I'll be!" James had a sparkle in his eyes.

"I mean you were always good with tech and your probably could help Pidge and hunk in the tech room aka pidges lab. By the way, never fuck with Pidge when she's fixing something! She might be small I mean really small but she'll probably kick your ass dude! Like 11th grade when Sarah kicked your ass for touching her skittles!" I said and I could see James practically cringe at the memory.

"I remember, Jesus that girl liked her skittles!" James laughed and I giggled

"Are you hungry?" I asked him and he nodded.

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