Remember the past

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Enjoy loves❤️
Keith's POV

Hunk pulled something out of his pocket and shoved it in Lances arm. I looked what he did and he put a needle in his arm, why the hell does he have those in his pocket?

"What the hell hunk?!" Pidge yelled

"First of all language Pidge and second why the hell do you have those in your pocket?!" Shiro yelled

"Well we can't talk here we need to get lance in a healing pod like now." Hunk said

We all nodded while hunk went to pick up lance and put him over his shoulder. We walked to the castle, we all went to medical bay to get lance to the healing pod. As soon as lance was in the pod we all turned around to look at hunk.

"Tell us now!" I demanded crossing my arm while leaning against a wall.

"Well you see Lance used to have these panic attacks back in Garrison, whenever he would get these he would either get these pills, but he ran out a couple weeks after we got in the castle. So now all we have is the needles. We could easily refill the needles with stuff in the medical bay. We have to put him to sleep whenever he has those panic attacks, if we don't he'll hurt himself. He's like another person when he has these panic attacks. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but lance didn't want me to" Hunk said scratching his arm

"It's fine hunk we understand now." Allura smiled a little.

"How long will he be in there and what happened to Lance?" Pidge asked.

"Well the machine said he will be in there for at least a few days or weeks and...a-and"  Coran started stuttering.

" said he has amnesia due to mental torture and brain damage." Coran said twisting his mustache, keeping his eyes on the screen in disbelief.

"Well Paladins, we should get some rest for tomorrow, We will be doing some training." Allura said walking out of the room.

One by one left the medical bay, first it was Coran, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Then there's me. I stood there looking at Lance. What happened to him on that ship? I stare at Lance in his pod and I notice something I didn't when we first found him. I saw a little scar that looks like a wave on his neck, I kept looking at his face and saw scars.

I saw one through his left eyebrow on the edge, I saw scars on his neck and the I went up to his lips. They were chapped and looked as through he hasn't had any moisture on it at all.

I put my fingers on my lips and just stare at him. At least he's safe, I tell myself that over and over again.

What happens if he never remembers me and the team?

What happens if he's not the lance we knew before?

What if he had feelings for me and he forgot those feelings, he'll never have those feelings again?!

Calm down Keith, These are just what if questions. How about we get some sleep yeah?
Yeah let's get some sleep everything will be better tomorrow, I know it will. I start to walk to Lances room, I'm still thought it seemed like it only took two seconds to get to his room.

I lay in his bed and pull the covers over my head, everything will be okay Keith, I know it will. I keep telling myself that over and over again. Soon my eyes start to feel heavy and I close my eyes and go into the darkness.

The next day

My eyes flutter open and I pick myself up and walk to the bathroom, I pick up my red toothbrush I brought to his room when I started sleeping in here. I take my shirt off and start the water to the shower and then take the rest of my clothes off.

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