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The songs is "Words Fail" Dear Even Hanson

#EveryDayMovie (This is for fun btw)
Hello my lovely readers! I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and this popped up and I was like 'nah I'm not gonna do it.I can't no creativity is here' but my best friend (I call her sour patch) was like 'if you don't do this imma kill you' and all this creativity started flowing *sobbing* but this isn't a part of the story I was not trying to die from sour patch but tell me what you think (honestly I don't think it's that good) but!!!! Enjoy loves
Readers POV
Lance was walking through the castle looking at the ground with a serious look on his face and that was rare for lance to have.That hyper and social lance was taken over by a serious and a quiet lance which gave the other Paladins a weird feeling whenever they walked past him, he didn't even look up and smile,he just waved.

Lance was walking to the control and when the door slid open and he found Allura working on the controls mumbling to herself.

"Hey Allura? Can I ask you a question?" Lance asked

Allura turned around and looked at lance with smiled a warm smile and said "um sure lance, what's up?"

"Um,what is a soulmate exactly?" Lance asked while messing with the hem of his shirt

"Well..." she thought for a moment

"A soulmate is a person you have a connection with as soon as you meet them.Your drawn to them,it's a feeling like you've never even had before like you can trust this person even though you've just met. It's kinda like love at first sight but you've been destined to be with this person for the rest of your life. Your so deep in love it's so complexed a lot of people feel confused about it at first....but a soulmate is a wonderful thing to have!" Allura said smiling

Lance looked at her and nodded but Allura went back to what she was doing only to stop and wonder 'why did lance want to know'

"Why did you want to know?" Allura asked slowly

"No reason, I just thought maybe I found my soulmate because I can't get them out of my head. Whenever we are together it feels like I'm dreaming and I never want to wake up!" Lance said smiling

Allura ran over to lance and took his hands in hers with got a curious look on her face that almost screamed 'Who the fuck is it?! Tell me!'

She brought her face closer and whispered
"Who is it?!" She said squealing

"Um it's-"

Before he could finish the person that he thought was his soulmate walked into the room and lances face went red as his soulmates lion.

"Hey Keith" Lance said with a voice crack

"Oh hello Keith, lance was just telling me about his home planet! It sounds really amazing right,lance?" Allura said winking

Lance breath hitch and thought 'Thank you so much Allura, your literally like my space mom™'

Lance took a deep breath and smiled.

"Yeah! I was telling her about the beach and the food shack with all the garlic nots that were amazing!" Lance said smiling

"Hmm well lance, I think what we were talking about before you should talk about it with that someone. Maybe something good would come out of it!" Allura said nudging my shoulder

I shook my head and Keith's eyebrows arched in confusion.

"The thing? What WERE you guys talking about?" Keith said crossing his arms

"Nothing!" Lance said speed walking out of the room

Keith looked at Allura and she shrugged and went back to work.

Keith went to train but saw lance breathing slightly hard with his hands on his knees and talking.Keith went closer to see what he was saying.

"God what was I thinking! Talking about a soulmate! Keith probably thinks I'm a weirdo or something! God stupid me!" Lance said

Keith's face went red and lance stood up but saw Keith and his eyes went wide.

"You-you think I'm your soulmate?" Keith stuttered

Lance went stiff but was able to nod his head

Keith walked forward a little in front of lance,their faces redder then Keith's lion itself.Keith brought his face closer and their lips collided, lance wrapped his arms around Keith's back to being him closer and Keith wrapped his arms around lances neck. The kiss lasted about a minute until Keith caught up on what was happening and pulled back.

"I'm-I'm sooo sorry lance! I wasn't thinking and I what I just heard and I had a major crush on you and-"

Lance pulled Keith into another kiss to shut him up.Lance pulled back and Keith's face was blank.

"I-I think I'm in love with you Keith Kogane!" Lance said smiling

"I think I'm in love with you to lance McClain!" Keith said laughing

They kissed again only to pull apart when they heard squealing from the corner when they saw two females hugging each other and Pidge yelling

"I SHIP IT BITCHESSSSS!! HUNK YOU OWE ME 20 GACK!" Pidge yelled only to hear a annoyed sigh from Hunk from the other room.

Then Space Dad™ came out in the hallway shaking his head.

"Pidge what did I tell you about that language?!" He said

"Fuck off space dad I'm trying to enjoy my klance!" Pidge said flicking Shiro off and Shiro just walks away in disappointment

Lance and Keith laugh and lance pulled keith into a kiss again and they live happily ever after......

Jk they still in space with space mom and dad™,our little sunshine Hunk,our badass Pidge, our gorgeous man, and the little mice!
Word count~866 (the story itself not the notes)

Ok sooooooooo this happened *sobbing*.I hoped you liked it, i had fun making it and leave a comment on what you thought about it (why did I make this at late!?)

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