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I like this,Childhood Keef™ BUT........


Enjoy loves❤️
Lance's POV

"ALEJARSE DE MÍ!" I screamed trying to get out of Keith's tight embrace. (GET AWAY FROM ME!)

"Lance what's going on?!" Hunk said running over to me.

I quickly scooted and my back hit a door, then I noticed it was mine and quickly ran inside. I closed the door putting in a code that just came into my head.

"Allura open this door now" Hunk screamed from outside the door.

"On it!" She said running to the door, I could hear her clicking on something and then heard a buzzing sound.

"What is going on?!" Allura yelled, Then the clicking sound started again.

"I think he changed his door password, but let me take a look." Pidge said, I heard her walking up to the door and the clicking began again.

"Well he indeed changed it." Pidge said

"No we need to get that open, I lost him once, I'm not gonna lose him again!" Keith yelled

I heard running coming to the door and someone started banging on it.

"Lance please open up, please let me be there!" Keith was banging on the door and I started back away from the door. I was starting to be terrified and little whimpers were escaping from my mouth.

He still was banging on the door and screaming, I put my hands over my ears trying to block out the pounding and screaming. Then the banging stopped and all I heard was someone fall to the floor. I heard hard breathing coming from the door and then got up slowly from the ground and walking slowly.

"What the hell is happening?!." I heard Pidge yell

I opened the door slowly to see what was happening, I looked at everyone. They had their backs to the left of me and I looked and saw purple. I walked slowly and quietly to get a better look and saw more purple fur and yellow eyes. My palms got sweaty and my breathing gets more heavy. Then I saw him look at me, with a concerned look.

"Lance?" He asked

A flashing light comes to my vision then everything went black then it slowly lit up.

I was chained to a wall, I looked at my arms. They were bloody and brushed with little marks going up my arms, I started to look at my whole body and saw more cuts and bruises. I looked at my wrist seeing scars running up my arm, then one of the scars spelled up "useless". I looked around and saw purple lights all around me.

All around me was purple lights and my eyes started to hurt from looking at it. Then I heard footsteps they got louder and louder each time they got closer. Then the door opened showing a guy in armor from head to toe.With violet lights around him. With deep, cold eyes. He smiled at me and chuckled, of all people why Zarkon?!

"Hello Paladin, how was it today?" He said

I looked at him and snarled, and looked away from him.

"Awe, don't be like that! I'm here to make you feel more useful." He said laughing

He walked over to me slowly and picked my head up. He turned me around and I unhooked the chains that were on the wall. He made me stand and then made me look at him.

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