Just a bit more

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Important message at the end loves:)

Enjoy Loves❤️
Lance's POV

I dropped to the floor and Keith wrapped his arms around me then started to asking what was wrong. He telling me everything will be alright, But will I really be alright? I grabbed onto his shirt and put my head in the side of his neck,Was I really that useless,Was I really that broken?

I sobbed in his arms until Keith spoke up still rubbing cycles on my back.

"Lance what's wrong?" He whispered to me.

"Yo ... me acuerdo de algo, y yo ... no me gustó, yo-yo estaba b-roto y llorando y luego h-me lastimé y estaba feliz mientras lo hacía" I said sobbing hard
(I..I remember s-something and I-i didn't like it,I-i was b-broken and crying and then I h-hurt myself and I was happy while d-doing it)

"Lance, I can't understand you, what are you saying?" Keith asked pulling away and cupping my face.

I shook my head, starting to breathe heavy, I'm broken,useless.

That's right Lance
No you...Your from my memory
That's right darling, I'm a old friend of yours
No we were never friends.
That's what you think honey, but don't worry. I'll tell you the truth but others will always lie.......

I started shaking, I put my hands over my ears. NO THEY WONT LIE TO ME I KNOW THEY WONT, Wait will they?

You see darling, that's the thing if you have to question their loyalty, then they aren't worthy.
No I lost my memory, I'll get it back I know I will.
Darling what is there to remember? You can't trust these people, Hell you just met them, Lotor will come and get you,  you'll get what you deserve.
Why would I lie to you darling, I have nothing to gain from it.
Maybe....Your right.....NO STOP
Honey please, why would I lie...........

Keith's POV

Lance was in my arms crying, I didn't know what to do. I've never done this before, Um WHAT THE HELL DO I DO!? WAIT I HAVE A IDEA!

"Lance what's wrong?" I whispered to him softly .

"Yo ... me acuerdo de algo, y yo ... no me gustó, yo-yo estaba b-roto y llorando y luego h-me lastimé y estaba feliz mientras lo hacía" He said sobbing hard
(I..I remember s-something and I-i didn't like it,I-i was b-broken and crying and then I h-hurt myself and I was happy while d-doing it)

"Lance I can't understand you, what are you saying?" I asked pulling away and cupping his face.

He just shook his head and started breathing harder. Fuck! What the hell do I do now? I start shaking him.

"Lance?" I asked softly

He started whispering something that I couldn't get a hold of.

"Lance what?" I asked again putting my hand on his shoulder.

He put his hands over his ears and still whispering, he started shaking. Then he started screaming.

"DETÉNGALO, DEJA DE MENTIR"He said still covering his ears (STOP IT, STOP LYING)

"Lance what the hell are you saying?!" I said putting both hands on his shoulders to keep him still.

He kept screaming "stop it", then the rest of the team came running to Lance's room.

"Keith what the hell is going on?!" Shiro yelled.

"I have no idea, I don't understand anything he's saying!"I yelled back.

"What did he say?!" Hunk said walking closer to lance.

"Um i don't know how to say it I don't speak Spanish?!" I said still holding Lance.

"Well what triggered this?" Shiro said

"Um I left my note in his room after I took my stuff and I forgot to get it. Then I went here and when he opened the doo, he was reading the note and then he just stared at the note and bursted into tears." I said

"Well we need to calm him down!" Hunk said panicking.

"Don't you have the shot thingy!" Pidge said

"Pidge I can't give him another until the next 24 hours, if he gets another dose it might kill him!" Hunk yelled

I never heard Hunk yell like that before so this must be serious, I pull Lance closer to me and try to stop his shaking.

Lances POV
Please make this stop please, Please if there is a god out there, please help me.

Lance, If u just listened to me back then none of this would have happened! This is all your fault!
Yeah all of this is my fault, but why can't I remember myself from before?!
Because I'm not gonna let you remember love, Imma make you suffer for a while.
Please no, just let me remember, I need to remember what feelings I had before I lost my memory!
But Lance why would you want to remember all the things these people did to you! They just made you the useless and a 7th wheel.
No they wouldn't do that, I know they wouldn't, they seem like good people and I used to trust them!
Yeah but you saw it, Keith doesn't like you, Hunk thinks your annoying, Pidge can't stand you, Shiro just sees you as a joke, Allura just needs you to pilot blue, and Coran doesn't even listen to you anymore.
See lance they don't deserve them, you can't trust them, They will only hurt you and make you seem worthless lance.
No I can't trust them...
Now that's the spirit Lance now see you soon love!

Keith's POV
He started to stop shaking and breathing heavy. I held him close and picked up his jaw to make him look at me. Blue eyes to my dull violet eyes. He looked at me for a minute and then his filled with panic and sadness.

"ALEJARSE DE MÍ!" He screamed trying to get out of my tight embrace. (GET AWAY FROM ME!)

"Lance what's going on?!" Hunk said running over to Lance.

He quickly scooted and his back hit a door. Then he quickly ran inside and we heard the click of the door meaning he locked it from the inside.

"Allura open this door now!" Hunk screamed

"On it!" She said running to the door and a screen full of number appears.

She quickly typed in numbers and the screen went red. She typed it in again and it came up red again.

"What is going on?!" Allura yelled putting in the code again.

"I think he changed his door password, but let me take a look" Pidge said walking up to the pad and pushing buttons.

"Well he indeed changed it." Pidge said

I clenched my fist, tear welling up in my eyes.

"No we need to get that open, I lost him once, I'm not gonna lose him again!" I yelled 

I ran up to the door and started banging on it.

"Lance please open up, please let me be there!" I was banging on the door but all I heard was little whimpers from the other side. My heart went racing still banging on the door screaming for Lance. Then I felt a pain in my side I went to hold my side and sank to the ground.

What the hell is happening?! I start seeing purple spots on my arms and then I blacked out.

"What the hell is happening?"
Word count-1,266

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