Die or die trying

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Keith's POV

It's been at least a few weeks since lance has been gone and the silence has been ripping me apart. I can't do the silence, I've never been good in the silence, I hate it! I've been having nightmare after nightmare since that first one a few days ago. I've been having the same one ever since, that voice comes to talk to me every night and always tells me the same thing.

Why didn't you fight for him?

I used to have the answer to that question

They had a gun to his head,I couldn't just run up to the general an attack them! They would've killed me or even him!

But you could have died trying, you could've helped! Now lance is suffering...because of you.

Lance is suffering....because of me?

You seriously didn't think about that didn't you?! You negotiated his suffering and only thought about yourself didn't you?

No! I wouldn't! I could never forget about lance he's....

He's what? Huh a Toy to play with until you get bored? He's already been through that! Oh wait! You didn't even know him like did you! Do you even know his,
favorite movie?
Favorite holiday?
......His past?

I-I don't even know that. do I?

Keith, you know nothing about him.

SHUT UP! Shut up please shut up!


"K....eth......ieth...AKE UP....KEITH WAKE UP"

I shot up from the bed with Shiro looking at me with concern.Tears streaming down my face,I couldn't take this anymore.Its all my fault that's he's gone! He's gone because of me, I could've tried harder, I could've protected him! Now he's gone!

"Keith deep breaths, come on, you can do it. Come on now." Shiro said

I start breathing in But the more I breathe the more tears fall down my cheeks. Where am I, I look around and see bright blue lights around and I noticed a little blue stars on the roof. There was only one place that I knew had blue stars.........

                  Lances room....

"Keith look at me"

I turned to look at him and he looked concerned.I kept my eyes on him,I noticed I was trembling a little and cold. I kept the gaze on him and pulling the covers over myself some more.

"Keith,this has been happening for weeks now! Keith what's going on!?" Shiro said

"Nothing..."I said

"Nothing my ass! Keith seriously what the hell is going on! You've been waking up screaming for weeks and I've been here, Keith you need to tell me what's happening or I can't help!" Shiro said grabbing my shoulder

I couldn't say anything, I knew I was becoming a burden waking Shiro up at nights when he should be sleeping for training.He needs the rest,everyone does! Everyone has been working none stop looking for Lotors ship to get lance back and I don't know how long they can do this for until I become a real big burden and they wanna take away red!

"Keith?" Shiro said

"I've been having dreams and this voice has been talking to me saying it's my fault that lance gotten taken away so easily! If I only tried harder he would still be here! He'd be here, being safe, being away from him! He could be dead or hurt or......or worse HE could've forgotten about us.! About me again!" tears were streaming harder down my face by the minute.

I couldn't hold it in anymore,it's been so hard trying to hold everything in and be strong for lance. But I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't be strong...because lance isn't here with me!

"Keith this isn't your fault! You were injured! You tried to help him, you almost died saving him! If that shot hit any higher or lower it would've hit a main spot and you could've died! No what would've happened when lance came back and found out you were dead! HUH he wouldn't forgive himself!" Shiro said

"I-I'm sorry" I said pulling Shiro into a hug

He started rubbing circles on my back and I calmed down a little.My eyes felt heavy and I closed my eyes,I felt Shiro lay me back down on the bed and pulled he covers over my chest.Darkness took over me and this time I didn't have any dream,just me and the darkness.
Hey!.........WAIT! did you think this was the end of the chapter? Well YOU THOUGHT! Let's keep going shall we!  HAHAHAHA
Lances POV

I woke up with cold chains around my wrist and chains on my feet.I remember what happened and I felt weird, I felt...different.I looked around and I saw the stars, still shining as they were shining for me.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I felt anxious. They kept on keeping louder and louder my ears were sensitive and I kept wincing as they got closer. A shadow come from the door and walked in, a woman with a hood over head and some soldiers.

"You have a date with some tortured today." Haggar said laughing

That soldiers come over and unhooked the chains from the walls and the floor. They dragged me to a room with a table that was tilted up facing the wall with stuff on a table. They strapped me on the table and left the room. Lotor came into the room smiling and told Haggar to come out of the room. I was in a room alone....god I hate it when I'm alone.

Lotors POV

"Haggar..is the plan ready?" I ask her

"Yes Sire "She said bowing

"Good" I said walking away and Haggar walking into the room. Letting out a long breath.
Word count~1027

Ok NOW I'm done! I know this is a short chapter only because I've been busy hanging out with my friends and catching up on everything. Ok see yah next time!!

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