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Hey guys!

So I hoped you had fun with our journey, it was one rough one! I wanted to say how lucky I am to have each and everyone of you.

You guys are are so beautiful, idc if I haven't seen you guys. Each and every one of you are beautiful. It doesn't matter about your religion, sexuality, color, you guys are so beautiful. Either your a boy or girl, I still love you! Don't let anyone tell you differently. So unfortunately this is the end :(

But I'll give you guys, a choice. I was thinking about making a sequel. About the future generations with Voltron. I'm keeping my page and keeping my fan page alive. I'm sad Voltron is ending but I'm still gonna keep going. So if you guys like I'll make a sequel. I love you guys and love the positivity through the year I've started this.

Comment or dm me, doesn't matter. I need opinions if you want a sequel. Well love you guys, my bbys ~3


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