He's Coming?!

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YEET BITCHES!!! *someone just snatched me from reality*
Bro wtf...is this... buffoonery?! Wait is my phone glitching like..wtf?! You guys actually like this?! GODDD WTF?! Bitch....FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT!!! *slams door*
*opens door and walks out sobbing*
Sn I'm back...but thank you guys! For everything.... well anyway I think you guys waited enough...Enjoy bitches...*cries*

3rd person

As the paladins are regrouping again, a certain Paladin was thinking up a storm. The blue Paladin stood there thinking on how that assassin could have gotten through security.

"This doesn't make any sense! Our system was up to date wasn't it? And the mice should've sensed something...wouldn't they?" Lance thought


Lance snapped back into reality with a jump.

"Hey are you ok? You seemed out of it when Shiro was explaining thinks about the intruder." Keith asked

"Y-yeah I'm fine!" Lance said quickly

Keith looked at lance with concern but turned to see Shiro staring at the ground deep in thought.Keith walked over to Shiro and put his hand on the older mans shoulder.

"Hey,how did it go? Did the assassin say anything?" Keith asked

"Nope, all they told me was to either fuck off or yell at me." Shiro said sighing

"We have to get information from her somehow! We can't just keep her there,she might have important information we could use for our next attack!" Allura said carding her fingers though her long white hair.

"We could go in one by one to see which one they like better but we won't send Keith in because of his hot headedness!" Lance said laughing at the end.

"That's actually not a bad idea lance!" Pidge said sliding her glasses up.

"Then it's decided! We'll start tomorrow!" Allura said

"Alright team.Get some sleep because it'll be a long day tomorrow." Shiro said looking around while everyone nodding and going to their rooms.

Lances POV
I walk to my room quietly and I feel like someone is following.i looked back and I see nobody, I shrugged and kept walking to my room until I heard a loud footstep behind the wall.

"I know someone's there,you can come out!" I yelled quietly

Light footsteps were heard and I found the green Paladin,watching him closely.

"Pidge?" I asked

"Yeah?" She said walking over to me

"What's wrong? Why are you following me?" Pidge asked

"Because.....because I'm scared that you'll leave again...we haven't found Matt yet but your like another brother to me and....and I don't want you to leave like before.." Pidge said twiddling her thumbs

"Pidge..it's ok! I'm not going anywhere! Come here!" I said grabbing her pulling her close and rubbing her back

"I was so scared when you were gone! I thought I lost you too.." Pidge said tears running down her face slowly

"I would never leave you Pidge! I can't leave, I left my sister on earth and that torn me apart so I can't leave my space sister too!" Lance said smiling rubbing her back

"Thank you lance!" Pidge said hiding her in lances shirt.

"Come on let's get you to bed!" I said picked her up bridal style.

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