Be wanted not forgotten

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Little message~ check out my new story it's gonna be an High School AU

Warning again~
A little langst but not extreme
Enjoy loves
Lances POV

A couple weeks later

I sit here in my cell with bruises,lash marks, cuts and tear stains. My arms are around my body bringing me heat so I wouldn't get cold. Lotor comes inside my cell every few hours to "check up" on my but really he comes here to try to manipulate me into surrendering my teams location and their plans but how should I know?! I haven't been with then for......Wait how long have I been here for?

I lost count and I hate myself for this, I miss Keith. I miss the way he smiles and laugh, I miss his hand in mine and his lips on my own. I long for his warmness and his laugh that could brighten up a dark room. Why wasn't he here to brighten up this room for me?

Footsteps were heard and I stiffened up a little, the footsteps grew louder and louder and then they stopped. I looked up and saw the basturd himself, his long white hair flowing sticking close with the curves of his body. I snarled and turned my head to get him out of my sight.

"Don't give me that look paladin, I just came here to check up on you to see if you're doing well." He said with a bored face. He looked the corner of the wall then back at lance smiling.

"What do you actually want Lotor!" I said

"Nothing actually, But I have news for you! It's quite good and fascinating news to be exact." He said unlocking the cell door.

He walked inside, I kept my eye on him and followed his every move with curiosity. What news would he want to tell me, what "good news"? He looked at me and walked towards me and sat right in front of me and brought his hand up to me jaw and grabbed my jaw.

"Voltron has given up and found a new pilot for the blue lion, permanent this time! People say they look like the princess!" He said

"N-no, they wouldn't give up on finding me this quickly it's only been a few weeks right?!" I said franticly fiddling with the chains on my hands.

"Your quite wrong Pala- Wait I cant call you that anymore because you're not a Paladin anymore!" Lotor said.

I looked down at my chains, they're only a reminder of how I'm a prisoner, I won't ever go home and be with my family ever again! I looked up to Lotors face and saw him staring at me with entertainment, I knew he loved seeing me worked up and broken.

"Don't be too sad, at least you will be needed here! You could be here and live as a fighter and rule over the galra empire." He said Smiling

I looked at him and his eyes soften and his straight (nothing about this is straight lol) white teeth.He brought be closer and his right and came up and creases my jaw with his thumb. I came back to my senses and tried to push away from him.

He manipulates!
He cheats!
He just wants you as a pawn to get to Voltron!
Come on don't listen to him!

But at least he actually wants you!
At least your wanted here!
At least he listens to you!
Your nothing over on Voltrons side, So at least you would be something here!
Turn over to the other side be here!
Be wanted instead of forgotten!

Get out of my head!

"Lance are you okay?!" Lotor looks at me with worried eyes.

Tear wither my eyes and started to drop down my face in my palms that felt so cold but when my tears dropped on them they felt so warm. I shook my head, wrapping my arms around my help to be protect myself from the outer world. My team left me for a person they probably just met and thought they would be suitable for her! She's more then a lion, more then a machine that could be operated! She has a mind too, she has feelings,she's like a mom she was protects her young,attacks her enemies that threatens her cubs, she was protective of me.

"Lance?" Lotor asked

I brought my gaze up to him and he smiled, I was confused. After all this time I've been tortured and beaten Why now? Why now! I think he just waited for me to be at my lowest to bring me up to a high.

Well he wants you, be wanted not forgotten
Wanted not forgotten.....
Not forgotten.......

You are forgotten
By the people you love, cherished,once had, but now the only person that once hate him,why is that old friend?
Hate? I have nothing to hate,I followed voltron with my heart and they broke it in pieces.The only people I should hate is them but I can't....I could never hate Keith....
But he left you without a fight...he didn't even put up a good fight to protect you from Lotor...this time we both know he gave you up for someone....for Shiro!
But he and Shiro are like brothers.....he doesn't even like Shiro like that!
How would you know old friend,he told shiro more about himself then he ever did to you!
Do u know his birthday!
His childhood!
What he likes!
What he dislikes!
His past.......
Do you even know what he's been through when he was in the garrison before you came?!
Your right...I don't know anything..
Lance..You have someone that loves you now you know...he loved you since the day he met you...but Keith hated you,he hated you then loved you? I don't believe that one bit!
Lance it will be okay...believe me..I tell the truth but others lie..they break you..ignore you....hated you...replaced you..let the person that loved you from the start you guys met,be the person you be with!

Be with...
Be with....
Be with.......
Be with............
Word count~ 1,084

HEY PEOPLE..I decided to start a new writing project it's gonna be full of one shots by your choices so check that out.But without further ado see you next time loves!

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