Is it really him?!

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Hey guys!! If you haven't noticed I changed that Title!!

DreamWorks got sum explaining to do!!!!

You wanna know what I always wanted to do...role looks fun asf !!

But I'm on a reading rampage so I need Moore books because I'm pretty much done with most of my books and I need plz give me more books to read! So you can either message me the names or comment them and I'll be super greatful!Thanks loves!
3rd POV

"Lance?....who's that?!" Keith said staring at the figure standing right next to lance.

"This....this is James Castle! H-he's my bestfriend from earth!"Lance said

"How is he here?!" Allura asked

"Um I'm sorry miss but...some purple furry kidnapped me and Leo.." James said rolling his eyes at the end.

"WAIT LEO IS HERE?!" Lance said while his breath picking up.

"Lance calm down breathe buddy breathe! Leo isn't here! He's with those purple furies while I tried to escape with some weird ass technology." James explained and Pidge chuckled

"The 'weird ass technology' is some of our Technology that we use here on the ship!" Pidge said laughing harder

"So your the famous James castle lance talked about..." Coran said smiling

"Awe talked about me!" James said acting like fangirl

"Oh course babe!" Lance said laughing really hard


"Oh hey Keith.....have some fun time with Rosályn lately?" Lance said eyeing Keith while James just watched front he sidelines just in case something happened

"No...because I was too busy being worried and  sick about YOU!" Keith said while yelling at the  end that made lance flinch and James put his hand on lances shoulder

"Now if you excuse me..I want to spend time with my FRIEND that actually THINKS before HE DOES SHIT!" Lance said storming back to his room while James following him.

"Keith....what the hell!" Shiro said

"I didn't do shit! All I did was spend time with Rosályn! Which she knows I'm GAY!" Keith yelled while turning to where lance left hoping he heard Keith.

"Blah blah blah GAY SHIT BALH BLAH BLAH!" Pidge said

"Jesus! Did anyone just notice that AN ASSASSIN and a person from EARTH came into the ship and we didn't know!" Pidge said rubbing her head

"Coran...can you please update the security so we know everything! Please.." Allura said rubbing her temples

"Yes princess! Right away!" Coran said tapping away at the keyboard.

"Keith you should go apologize to lance.please! He's been through enough! You as his boyfriend should be there for him!" Hunk said pushing Keith

"Fine! Whatever!" Keith said walking off to find the blue Paladin.

Keith walks to lances room only to hear a conversation.He put his ear up to the door and tried to listen in.

"So lancey Who was that?" James asked

"Who are you talking about?" Lance asked

"The one with the mullet.." James said laughing

"Keith? Oh that's my....boyfriend." Lance said

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