"Victory or death"

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But anyway let's get going shall we?!

Btw I want to put in that I want to create new characters in the story in the future...just to make it...interesting? I guess but anyway back to the story!! Btw there's always gonna be a purpose in the future IF I make new characters!

10/10 comment I saw on a story ever!! I was just casually scrolling through a story and went to see comments and saw this and I was drinking apple juice and I got apple juice up my noise....the moral of the story is...never drink apple juice while scrolling through comments on a story!!!
??? POV

I watched as the blue Paladin and the red Paladin walk down the hallway. They were smiling and holding hands and I couldn't help but...smile? NO! You may not smile! You are a warrior! Warriors do not smile!

"Ohhhh someone has a crush!" My inner voice nata said

"Shut up you swine! We have to finish this mission before they have out heads!" I said I heard a whine after that.

I was crawling through the vents carefully and quickly to keep up with the paladins, I tried to hear what they were saying once they reached what it seemed to be a control room. I saw them through the vents and leaned in close as I could to listen.

"Guys would you stop!" The blue Paladin said frowning

"I'm sorry...I just...am so happy that my ship came true!!" The green Paladin said clapping her hands.

A ship? Maybe it's a new defense mechanism..

"Or maybe it's something valuable we can steal later!" Nata said

"Pidge is right! I'm happy for you man!" The yellow Paladin said smiling and putting the blue Paladins back.

"But..your making Keith uncomfortable! You need chill guys!" The blue Paladin said wrapping his arm around Keith's waist

"I'm fine! I get it they're happy,let them be!" The Paladin named Keith said turning to the blue Paladin

The black Paladin walked over to the blue and red Paladin and smiled.

I felt my face warm up when I saw the black Paladin..his face...his body..he looked so perfect and sexy..I NEED TO STOP!! GOD WHATS GOING ON WITH ME TODAY.

"Damn He is cute though!" Nata said

"Nata stop!" I yelled in my head

I slowly leaned back and accidentally banged my head off the vent and make a noise.SHIT!

"You dumbass!" Nata said

"Shut up!" I yelled in my head again

"Hey.. why was that noise?" The black Paladin said

"His voice! It's god like! God praise lord zaratras" Nata yelled

"It was probably just the mice." A beautiful tan woman walked into the room. She was so lean and beautiful and I looked back at the black Paladin and saw him smile at her and something in me got a little jealous.

"Shes pretty, but not as pretty as us girl! Mentally high five!" Zata said and I chuckled a little

"But the mice are right here.." the Paladin named Pidge said showing their hand to their team

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