Lets talk about it....

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Having a Voltron marathon is the best way to start off my weekend. Honestly...
Go read my other story I made My Mute Treasure.I wanted to try something new!
Read this,important news!!!
And plus just a heads up this story might,I MEAN MIGHT!!!Be coming to an end soon *tears* but I had a lot of fun writing this story and I might do a new one though!!

I just need ideas on how the story should do on!! Writers block is stupid!!
Keith POV

We get to a planet that looked like earth a little bit but I could see the there was a little difference of  the plants and the sky a little.I could already see the picture of lance in my head. Him coming on the ship happy and smiling, with his eyes sparkling whenever he saw something he loved. When he smiled when someone laughed at one of his jokes. We get closer and closer to this planet where lance has been and I start to get nervous a little, What if he doesn't feel the same way anymore? What is he doesn't even want to talk about what we could be? What if-

"Keith are you ok?"

I felt a arm on my shoulder and turned around to see Shiro looking at me in concern.

"Keith?" Shiro asked

"Yeah....I'm fine....it's just. You know how I felt about him for a while and it's just that what if he turns around and doesn't even want me anymore! What if changes his mind about everything he said to me before he got captured again! I just...don't want that to happen!" I said

"Keith... that wouldn't happen. If it's meant to be...then it will happen. Without a doubt and if he does like you back then we will support you 100%" Shiro said smiling

I hugged him and we walked to the control room where mostly everyone was. I saw Hunk smiling and Pidge on her computer tapping away. We got closer to the planet and soon we were landing, we walked off the ship and onto the new planet. We split up it was me and Shiro and Hunk and Pidge doing separate ways, we went east and they went west. We walked for a while and started to get tired,

"Shiro?" I said

"Yes Keith?" Shiro stopped and turned to me with a confused look

"What if he isn't actually on this ship and it's just the galra trapping?" I asked

"Hey, don't think like that Keith!" Shiro said

We kept walking until we get to a ship and I walk faster, Shiro keeps up with me and when we get closer we walk slow.

Readers POV
Keith and Shiro look around the ship and went to look inside and saw a shadow. They walked slow and went they saw a pair of blue eyes and Keith smiled and walked towards it.

"Lance?" Keith asked

"Keith?" Lance asked

"SHIRO!! Look it's lance!! See he's here" Keith said tearing up a little

"Keith, what are you guys doing here! You guys weren't supposed to find me! LEAVE NOW PLEASE! Before-"

Before lance can finish a loud explosion was heard from the north side of the planet.


"Lotor is attacking the planet! Somehow he found us!" Allura yelled in the coms

"We will be there soon, we got lance!" Shiro said

Keith helped lance up and Shiro ran and went to black and flew away while Keith sat lance down in red and looked over lances body to see if anything was seriously wrong. When Keith saw that everything was alright he breathed out a breath of relief and laughed.

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