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Message at the end I want you guys to read loves...I need you guys opinion like fr this is serious.

But Enjoy loves❤️
Keith's POV

*few days later*

I've been looking out the castle window the whole time Allura was giving her "everything will be okay" speech. This was the third speech we had this week,I never listened because what was the point?! We aren't going to be to doing anything for at least a few weeks! I looked into Lances room,I haven't been actually in there since he's been gone.

I still hear his screams for someone to help him and telling Lotors generals to let him go.It's been stuck in my head and it's been torture by itself. It's been quiet since he was taken,not many talk anymore or even sleep matter of face.Mostly me, I haven't slept since he's been taken,I've never left this room to either eat,train,or take a shower.I feel like it was my fault he got taken away from us,I could've protected him more but now he's gone, with that purple fucker!

"-eith! ....Keith!"

I looked with wide eyes, Shiro was waving his hands over my eyes.

"Are you even listening to us?"He said laughing

I shook my head and continued to look out the window.

"Keith.....I know it's been hard for you but I need you to get your act together and help us find him" Shiro said putting his hand on my shoulder

I turned to look at him,my hands were molded into fist by now. I shot up from my seat and stared at him. Hell what does he know?!

"You don't think I've been helping! I've been in this room non stop searching for him Shiro! I didn't sleep in days and you think I haven't been looking for him! That's where your wrong our so called "leader" looking for our teammate but really you were "trying" to keep things calm! Guess what Shiro! I've been looking for lance for days days Shiro! So please next time you accuse someone for not doing something, open your fucking eyes Shiro! Maybe you would have thought and saw that Lance depressed and how he thought!" I yelled and walked out of the room

I turned the corner and walked to the training room.I got my bayard from my belt and got my sword out.

"Begin training level 6" I yelled

Six bots came out and ran towards me,a bot swung its sword at me and I blocked it with mine.Then swung my sword and it and split it in half.Then the next bot came at me and from my right and dodged its hit, then a bot came from left and I had to dodge that.Two bots came at me at the same time and I ducked and their swords him he bots and they split in half.One bot came from the front of me and one came from the left and right of me.I sprinted towards the one on my right and cut off its head and then the bot from my left swung its sword at my stomach and cut my side  I held my side feeling blood dripping from my hands I quickly kicked the bot and then slammed my sword into its head.Then the last bot kicked my in my wounded side and I fell to the ground.It tried to put its sword in my face but then I rolled over and kicked the bot so it fell on the ground.

I then cut off its head,I layed down on the ground breathing heavy I pick myself.

"Begin next level" I yelled getting up from the ground

Then seven bots came out and I got into action.

Time skip brought to you by the galra empire

No ones POV
Keith only beat two bots so far and it's been like five minutes.He holds his side with dried blood on his shirt,Keith was running towards the bot until he heard the door open and saw Shiro walk in with a towel over his shoulder.He looked at Keith and saw me holding my side and with wide eyes he quickly yells...

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