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I swear to god I read something like his and forgot to fucking save it and now I'm fucking pissed cuz I can't fucking find it like WHAT THE HELL?!

But......8 fucking thousands read! Are you fucking kidding me?! I-um just can't believe it!! I don't deserve this guys! I just wanted to say thank you sooooo fucking much for this! And I love u guys for making this possible....I remember when I was only at like 9 reads and I would just smile...back then this would be a fantasy but turned into a reality. I just can't stop smiling!! Thank you sooo fucking much!! Now..I don't wanna keep you waiting for the chapter so here you guys go!! Enjoy!

The songs called "Right Here" by Chase Atlantic (aka the best Australian boys ever!!)
Last time..
"Keith?" Lance said

"Y-yes lance?" Keith said blushing

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Keith's eyes went wide and a red blush shot up to his face

"Lance I.."
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
Now: Keith's POV

Did..he just...ask me out?! DID HE JUST ASK ME OUT!? God Keith stop staring at him like an idiot SAY SOMETHING. I try to talk but no words would come out of my mouth, What the hell is happening?!

"Keith?" Lance asked scooting towards me and putting his hand on my shoulder.

Shit...he probably thinks I'm weird! SAY SOMETHING GOD DAMMIT!!

"Waffles are great!"

I mentally facepalm myself..what the hell!

"Keith are okay,are you feeling okay?" Lance asked putting his hand on my forehead.

"It doesn't seem like you have a fever or anything.." Lance said

"I-Um j-just shocked I guess" Keith said fiddling with his fingers

"I get it...I'm sorry for just asking out of the blue..."Lance said
(pun intended)

"But I'm so sorry Keith, it's just that your just so perfect and talented and I'm just me and 7th wheel and I was so scared about doing this because I haven't had a good relationships in the past.. but I think your the first person that I can actually trust to be happy with...I'm so sorry please don't hate me. I'm sorry Keith please-"

"Yes!"I said

"Wait what?!" Lance asked

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend!"I said

Narrators POV
Lance attacked Keith and pulled him into a big hug. Lance looked at Keith and gave him pepper kisses all over his face with Keith was giggling.Lance kept on giving Keith butterfly kisses and Keith found it hard to breath with all the laughing and trying to push lance off. Lance moves his hands down to Keith's side to keep him still but when lance touched Keiths  side he started to squirm and let out a squeal.

"Is the mighty warrior Keith Kogane ticklish?!" Lance asked laughing

"N-no" Keith said fast

"Lies!" Lance said

Lance started to tickle Keith and he let out a load squeal and it was the most adorable thing Lance has ever heard. Lance kept on tickling Keith until he tapped lance on his arms and kicked a little bit.

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