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Um....hi? Bro I just watched A silent voice and I cried sm I think I'm about to die! But I wrote this before I died so enjoy and continue my legacy! I love shouko and shou they are so precious!! *sobbing* I need to rant.......

I know you guys hate me....but BAHAHAHA I CANT HELP BUT LAUGH!!!! These comments kill me....but I've been reading something called "Days of Hana" on WEBTOON and that's the true definition of depression and what inspired me......Leo is my Jeff.....haru is my lance and Hana is my Keith..... but let's get going so I don't get yelled at in the comments!
Lance POV

Everything was becoming black and suddenly I couldn't see. What's happening!? It's because of Leo! This is all my imagination! He-he's not here! He can't be here! He's on Earth! He's probably dead! God I hope he's dead! No more please! Please! STOP!




"Lance calm down!" A voice called feeling someone take a hold of me.

"Stop please!"I said trying to get away from the voice.

"Lance please!" It called out and all I heard was laughing. His voice, his laugh, chuckle, it drives me insane to no point of return.

"My, my! He hasn't changed a bit!" I heard his voice. I began shaking more, my vision started to clear and I saw Keith's eyes. Concern, worry, sadness, curiosity. They all swam in Keith eyes and I was shaking more. I looked around to see the horrid face of a bastard that ruined my life.

"Hi love!" He waved once I looked at him and I cringed.

"W-what do you w-want Leo" I asked shaky

"You.." He asked and I felt Keith's hands on my shoulders trying to relax me.

"I see. The red one is in love with something that's mine!" Leo roared

" I was never yours!" I said with hatred in my voice

"We'll see about that love." Leo stated

"Leave is the fuck alone Leo!" James said bored

"Or do I have to beat your ass again! But this time there ain't cops! So I might get away with killing your troll lookin ass!" James said laughing and Leo snarled

" so that's where you went! I was wondering where you were ever since I could t find you in your cell!" Leo said snarling

" Suck my dick Leo!" James yelled

"I advise you to watch your mouth with me James!" Leo roared again looking more mad.

"Or what! Send a army! Kill me?! Ha I'd love to see you try you motherfucker! I'll die before you get lance!" James yelled

"Now! Back to business! I want to make a deal! If you give me lance I won't kill anybody but if you don't hand over lance. The red one will die first" Leo said and my eyes went wide

"NO! LEO STOP! PLEASE!" I yelled and pleaded

"My dear...I can't have people take away from what's mine! I can't let it slide!" Leo said frowning

"He isn't your!" Keith yelled obviously getting frustrated, I could see it in his purplish eyes.

"Who's says!" Leo states.

"ME! If you touch him I'll fucking kill you!" Keith yells

"We'll see about that. Farewell Paladins and my prince." Leo says winking at me as the screen went black and I started to shake again.

"THAT BASTARD!" Keith yelled with his fist tightening which makes him even more mad.

"Keith you need to calm down!" Shiro says walking over to us.

"I NEED TO CALM DOWN?! I NEED TO CALM DOWN?! He threatened lance and us! How do expect me to calm down knowing his and our lives are at sake because a bastard that doesn't know how to let the past go!" Keith yelled and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I'll protect you lance....I promise!" Keith says leaning down to place a quick peck on my lips.

"Not now Klance! We are planning a battle/ war up in this bitch! We don't need smoochy smoochies right now!" Pidge stated while hunk chuckled.

"Pidge please! Watch the language!" Shiro says shaking his head and Pidge looked at him with the look 'you know damn well I'm not gonna stop'.

"Now now! We need a plan, a strategy, someway to take him down." Allura said joining the conversation.

"The princess is right. Zarkon is gonna be waiting for a rash attack since Leo made an appearance. We need to find out where they are stationed, I know the places in and out! I could help, that is if you want my help..." Rosályn said walking towards us slowly.

"She could be our spy! Could get out information, since she was close to Galra soliders she could get information and such!" Keith said smiling but everyone else was wary.

"Are you sure about this Keith? I mean she is apart of the Galra. She could rat us out once she gets on that ship!" Allura stated crossing her arms.

"We have to trust her! She can help! She would've told me information if she was on their side and plus, she doesn't like being with the Galra!" Keith argued

"He's telling the truth princess! I always hated being in the Galras side! Ever since they took my family away from me....I...I was forced to be with them! If I didn't do what they said.....they would've killed them! They're the only people I love in the universe! Please trust me!" Rosályn said with tears falling down her face.

"I see....I didn't know that! I'm so sorry Rosályn, that you had to go through this alone! I promise you won't go through this alone." Allura said moving closer to Rosályn pulling her into a tight hug.

"Well now that is settled. We need a plan!" Coran said

"Ok I have one!" Shiro started while everyone else moving closer to him into a little circle.

"Ok so first......"

Word count:1086
Step right up folks...which will win if there was a fight Leo (the bastard but I still love him because I created him) or our lovely Keith?!!

Now if you excuse me I need to rant about a silent voice while eat ice cream and be sick. (I hate this weather sm!)

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