His Past💔

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We all just stood there looking, staring at each other to see who would volunteer, but no one said anything.

"Fine I'll go" Keith said stepping forward looking at Allura. He stepped into the machine and his eyes closed then the machine turned red.

(Keith's POV)

My eyes closed and then my vision turned white, then it flashed to when I first went to Garrison. I walked inside and went to find my room, it took me at least 20 minutes to find it and I walked in and saw my roommate. The one and only Takashi Shirogane.

He smiled at me and got to know each other.He was like a brother to me and he helped me through things whenever I had discipline issues.But when Lance came to the Garrison things started to change,I admit it I had a little crush on him but who wouldn't I mean look at the guy he's a god.


But I had no time to deal with those feelings I had when Shiro went missing, I was lost.I didn't know how to keep focus on my lessons, so when I got into that last fight they kicked me out all alone, I didn't really care.Even though I kinda missed Lance's voice and smile but I needed to get rid of those feeling.

Once that memory was over my world turned dark and I opened my eyes. I step out of the machine and walked over to shiro and stood next to him.

"Alright who's next?"Allura said turning around to the rest of them.

(Lance POV)
Everyone went by now and there was only me left. I was kinda getting nervous because I didn't want anyone to know about my life because they will change the way they look at me.

I'm seen as a happy,preppy,flirt but when they look inside I'm just a broken,homesick,seventh wheel.

"Do i have to do this?"I asked quietly

"Lance we need to do this to strengthen your bond with the team and to form voltron more quickly!" Allura explained her voice laced with irritation.

"Ugh Fine" I said walking forward to the machine. I walked into it and the machine color turned blue, I felt myself getting tired and then my eyes went shut.Everything flashed white and then  a memory came in and I smiled to myself.

(No ones POV)

The team looked at the screen that appeared in front of the machine and it was of lance, he seemed to be around about five or six years old with a big family.

It was in Spanish but pidge turned the translations on to see what they were saying.Lance was at the beach with his mom and dad and his four other sibling,Lance was splashing around and his siblings were playing around as well.

"Mijo are you having a good time?" Lances father Zack asked

"Sí papa, I'm having a great time thanks for taking us here!" Lance said wrapping his arms around his dad's waist.

Then the screen went black and Lance frowned remembering that was the best day of his life.

Then the screen flashed again this time lance looked older, around his teens and he was crying.

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