Why him?!

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•Slightly triggering memory's
•Bad language (but when ain't I swearing"
I just wanting to give you a heads up cuz Well we get to know the real Lance McClain

Sorry not edited cuz I'm tired :(((((

But Enjoy loves ❤️
Keith's POV
The pod door went open and I fell forward being caught by someone.

"Lance?!" I screamed looking around but I only saw Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, and Coran.

I had a sharp pain on my right side, I put my hands over it only meeting white cloth with a stain of my blood on it. My eyes began to water when the memory of just a few hours ago. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I couldn't be strong, they took the love of my life away. My body sank down to the ground, I began sobbing.

The love of my life have been stripped away from me after I just confessed to him and he confessed to me. Why does life have be the cruel to me, My body is trembling and I feel a hand wrapping around my body. I look up to see everyone hugging me, Shiro began patting and rubbing my back to sooth me.

" I promise you Keith, we will get him back." Shiro said softly

Lances POV
I woke up in a cell, a dark, old, purple, dirty, cell. I looked around more and noticed my hands were cuffed to the wall, then had a little chain around my waist. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, then he showed up.

"Well we meet again blue." Zarkon said.

"It's not that I wanted to." I said smirking

"Watch your tongue blue before you don't have it anymore." Zarkon threatens while unlocking the cell, Lotor walks into the room a few minutes later.

"Now like I was saying, it's nice to have you back my blue. I definitely missed your snarky comments." He said whole he can push my face up.

"Why so quiet? Don't tell me your homesick already!" He said laughing

I just looked at him and frowned, I turned my head so my head could look out the window that was on the side of the wall. The stars are breathtaking as always.

I was looking out the window until I felt fingers on my neck, I turned my head and looked at him. I looked into my eyes and tilted his head a little and chuckled.

"Those eyes of yours, anyone would be lucky to have some like yours." He said smirking

I back away a little bit trying to get out of his touch, but the chains dug into my skin each time I moved just a slight bit. He brought his head over to my ear.

"You will be my upcoming solider!"He said laughing.

I wiggled around flinching with the pain, he started to laugh and back away. I looked up at him with broken and fearful eyes, he just looked at me and smirked.

"What's the matter Blue? Don't like that? What happened with what's that boys name um....l..le..Leo! That's his name!" He said laughing

He walked over to the door, and laughed some more.

" Oh Blue, you surly know how to pick them." He said laughing

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