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^^^relatable asf^^^ Me every chapter but you guys seem to like it so I don't mind :/

Has anyone seen "Love, Simon"?!?! I swear to god I cried sm in my life!!!

btw the stuff below is actually a short story I wrote once for a writing contest but I was too scared to turn it in so it just in my journal.... I actually love the ocean..but it also scares me.

Lances POV

I've learned depression was like a shapeshifter, I never actually believed I had one until one of my very own creeping up on me.My depression came along tiny as a little ant, soon the ant turned into an elephant then a week later huge as a mountain. The weight down on my chest, sometimes it's just hard to breathe, but sometimes I don't actually believe I'm even really breathing.

I wanted to go into the light that I saw many, many years ago but once I step into the light, I burn. I see the flicker of the flames dancing across my skin and it hurts! I scream and cry as I jump back into darkness and I see that ant crawling towards me, crawling back up my skin, it sticks to me like it's a part of me! It built me this mask to hide my skin, my face, the real me but on the outside I'm smiling, laughing....I'm happy.

But on the inside I'm slowly dying, turning into dust and darkness like this is normal for me! I'm trying damage the mask,Breaking and clawing but all I hear is the laughter and chains of my depression dragging me back to the darkness where I have lived for a long time now. I try to imagine the sunlight smiling at me, happy that I'm actually smiling and having a good time but all I hear is the moon calling my name, dragging me, yelling for me to get back into reality because happiness isn't real!

It's just a dream that will someday die with you! But people still don't understand that those smiles, those little giggles and laughs, it's all fake, lies, it's just a hallucination that life casted on us! Life casted a spell on the weak and granted happiness for the strong!

I write letters after letters to keep my mind off of demons that chase after my happiness and feed off of my fear. I try and try to keep my anxiety and insomnia from keeping me from hurting myself. Insomnia calls me, begs me to follow it to the bathroom and just end it all by a couple pills, just a couple cuts, just a little water?! I see the image of me ending it all.... swallowing a hand full of pills...or-or watching my blood spill from my wrists...or watching from below water and feeling the water consume me and seeing and feeling the ocean again. The ocean....boy I loved that place the most but it's funny how the things you love could kill you too.

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3rd person POV

Keith runs to get Allura, panting, running as fast as he could to her room. He knocks on the hard, almost banging on it until a tired woman came to the door with her sleeping mask covering half her face.

"What's the meaning of this Keith?! It almost three in the morning?!" Allura growled

"I'm sorry Allura but Coran and I need your help it's-it's lance! I couldn't help! You NEED to help him please! I'm begging you!" Keith said practically crying as tears pricked his eyes.

"I'll be there in a few ticks!" Allura said running to find more prober require then her pajamas.

A few ticks past and Allura came out running in tights and a pink shirt still bear foot. She ran down to the medbay with Keith close behind her. The sight was horrific to Keith's eyes, lance had to be restrained in order to be kept still with blue markings spreading on his cheeks and his eyes turning more brightly blue. Keith watched has lance was still thrashing around muttering things. Keith got closer to look at his face and he could hear what lance was saying.

"Please....he's coming! Please...me...I don't want to be with him! Please...Keith? Hunk? Pidge? Allura? Coran? Shiro? PLEASE ANYONE!! HELP ME!" Lance was screaming

Soon the there was a crowd of Paladins gathered around the entrance of the medbay with the two of the trio watched in shock. Hunk walked over with a needle in his hand again, he knew how to handle this. He was trained.... all he had to do was inject the needle in lances blood stream and everything would be fine!

Hunk injected the needles into lances arm and slowly and painfully lances thrashing went down as his face went calm and fell into the darkness...was one of the biggest mistakes ever..

"Hunk?" Pidge said walking up to him and putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm Fine...I helped...he's okay!" Hunk said smiling with glossy eyes

"I know...I know Hunk..I'm sorry you have to do this but he needs you to be able to calm him down! You know how he got the one time in the Garrison!" Pidge explained

"What happened?" Allura asked curiously

"W-we'll let's just say that lance saw something that made him go into a full panic attack. He thought he saw Leo.." Hunk said sadly

"Leo...why does he make lance act this way?!" Keith asked furiously

"He did bad things to him.. beat him...ruined his life basically..his old bestfriend...he gave up his life for lance..even though he almost killed Leo when he found out that Leo was abusing him...boy what can I tell you when I found out about this guy...he basically became my hero!" Hunk explains

"Why's that?" Coran asked

"Well, when his bestfriend James...found out about this...he basically went to lances and Leo's home to kill him... but Leo went to jail and James got on probation for getting into a fist fight. Leo had many charges against him, robbery, illegal drugs, attacking an officer... he was supposed to be in prison already but he paid the judge and he let it slide..." Pidge said snarling at the end

"How do you know about this?" Shiro asked

"I did a background check on Leo because well I wanted to know who he was but ever since last year he went missing and so did James.. I honestly hope the galra didn't go to earth!" Pidge said

They all looked to the sleeping Paladin with his hair everywhere and tear streaks down his face.

                     God have mercy on him...
Word count:1175

Should I bring Leo and James?! Let me know and I'll make it happen...Hehehe WAIT what about Rosályn?! What happened to her?! Did she hear the commotion that came from upstairs?!
Personally I'm an #JamesArmy Because I based him off a hunk/ Pidge person so their like a fusion...

Hehehe well let's find out my lovely's!!

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