Wedding Day

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April 12th 2018

Erika POV: Ok, you've got this Erika he's the man of you dreams, he's the one you love, and are going to spend the rest of your life with! But what if he cheats?!?! No he'll never do that. Right!?! STOP just stop. He's the one...

Erika's dress

Jake POV: Ok, you've got this Jake she's the women of your dreams, she's the one you love, and are going to spend the rest of your life with! But what if she cheats?!?! No she'll never do that

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Jake POV: Ok, you've got this Jake she's the women of your dreams, she's the one you love, and are going to spend the rest of your life with! But what if she cheats?!?! No she'll never do that. Right?!?! STOP just stop. She's the one...

Jakes Tux

1 hour later Jake is at the end of the isle

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1 hour later
Jake is at the end of the isle. The music starts...
Jake POV: here she comes, the women I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with!!

Erika starts walking down the isle with her dad by her side. They get to the end Jake takes her hand and bring her to the platform.

Jake: You look stunning!
Erika: You don't look to shabby yourself there hot stuff.

Priest: You may be seated

They guest sit down.

Priest: We have gathered her today to celebrate the marriage of Jake Paul and Erika Costell. Jake do you have any words that you would like to say to Erika?

Jake: Yes, Erika ever since I laid eyes on you at that brunch I thought to myself Dang she hot. I can't remember a moment in my life with you that was sad. You bring so much joy to me and I just want to say that I'm so lucky to call you mine. I know get to call you wifey For lifey. I can't wait to raise our kids in the future with you. They are going to have an amazing mother. I cant believe that you were my assistant and now you about to become my wife. I'm thankful for everything that you've done for me. I love you and can't wait to spend my life with you.
Buy this time Jake, Erika, and the guest were all crying.

Erika: Awwww Babe your gonna make me cry.

Priest : those were wonderful Jake, now Erika do you have any words for Jake?

Erika: Yes, Jake I could have never imagined myself with anyone other than you. I'm so thankful that we met because as soon as we got married in Vegas I New that that we were gonna get married in real life. I'm so grateful for you and I can't wait to raise kids with you. I know that you are gonna be the best dad that there ever is. I'm grateful that you are about to become my husband and I'm about to become your wife. I can't wait to start my life with you. I love you and can't wait to become a Paul.

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