Try Try Try

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Erika took a pregnancy test because her and Jake were ready to start a family they had tried three times and now were about to look at the test


Erik takes the wrapper off the test she looks at the test then back at Jake.

It says.... Negative

Erika lets out a huff

Erika starts to cry

J: It's ok babe we can try again

E: I now but I just know that you really wanted this more than me

J: it doesn't matter what I want, it matters what your body can take and when your body thinks that its the right time. If id doesn't think that it's ready then we will just have to settle for another time. But I promise you that we're gonna have kids don't worry. 

E: I know I just really wanted to be pregnant and start a family with you.

J: we will but just remember that however long it take I will always love you.

E: I will always love you too

They kiss for about 10 seconds before they head downstairs. 

T: Hey E can I talk to you

E: yeah give me one second

She gets u off the couch and walks over to T in the kitchen

T: so am I gonna be an aunt in 9 months

E: sorry T it was negative so no

T: aww man how are you and Jake

E: were sad but were gonna keep trying until we get pregnant.

T: thats good, well I'm sorry and I'll let you go spend time wit your husband Mrs.Paul

E: Why thank you Ms. Brooks

They hug and Erika walks back to Jake  and lays with her head on his shoulder.

E: Jake 

J: yes baby

E: do you even think that well get pregnant?

J: I know that well get pregnant. 

1 month later

Jake and Erika had tried another 3 times and they are gonna get another test and take this one today but Erika decided not to tell Tessa about this one since the last one was negative.

Jake went out and bought the test and came back to the house and gave it to Erika

J: you ready to try this again babe

E: yah I guess

J: You can't think like that remember we can keep trying until we pregnant.

E: yeah I know I just hate the waiting process. 

Erika grabs the test and pees in the cup and walks out the bathroom and sticks the stick in the cup for 10 seconds and then pulls it out. She puts the cap on it and puts the wrapper back on and waits by Jake while Jake hugs her. 

5 minutes go by and Jake and Erika go up to the counter to check this test. Erika takes the wrapper off of this one and starts to cry into Jakes chest.

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