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1 week later: Erika appointment day

Erika  ales up and gets ready because her appointment is in 2 hours.

E: Jake get up

J: I don't wanna

E: babe we have the appointment today

J: uhhh fine

He gets up and goes to take a shower. Erika has already taken one. She is sitting at the counter doing her make up.

E: are you excited babe

J: more than excited. I'm pumped

E: that's good to know

Erika finishes getting ready a couple minutes after Jake.

J: babe you ready

E: let's go

They get in the car and head to the fertility center for hopefully the last time. The pull up and get out and hold hands walking inside

R: Hey Erika welcome back

E: thanks

R: I head that you might be pregnant

E: yeah that's what the test said

R: well I've already checked you in you can just take a seat they'll call you back in a few

E: ok thanks

They wait 15 minutes and they get called back

Erika does the usual and takes her pants off and sits on the table covering her legs with the cloth.

The doctor walks in

D: hey Erika welcome back

E: thanks it's great to be back

D: so you might be pregnant

E: yep

D: ok so we're gonna do some blood work and then and ultrasound.

E: ok

They come in and do the blood work and Erika squeezed Jakes hand because she hates this part. They take the blood to go get tested and come back.

D: ok so the next step if an ultrasound to check and see if we have a little guy or girl in there.

The doctor already knew that she was pregnant by the blood work but wasn't telling Erika or Jake yet.

She begins the ultrasound and she mutes the machine so they can't hear the heartbeat.

E: you ready babe

J: I'm so ready we've wanted this for almost 2 years

While they were talking the doctor found the heartbeat and I muted it

E:I'm ( gasp when she hears the heartbeat) oh my god hats it's heartbeat. She starts to cry and so does Jake

D: Yes. Your pregnant Erika congrats

E: oh my god babe we're pregnant

J: yeah I know.

By now they are both in tears.

E: I can't believe it

The doctor is still searching her belly for a second one possibly

D: well you should bec- oh my

E: what what tel me ( Erika's face turns to a worry look

D: you pregnant alright with twins 

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