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Erika wakes up the next day and throws up. Jake comes in behind her and holds her hair back for her

J: you ok

E: I don't think so 

J: are you pregnant

E: I don't think so 

J: ok come on 

Erika finishes and then she washer her hands and Jake does the same. 

J: go to bed I'll take care of the twins by myself 

E: you sure

J: yes they can't eat off of you anyways

E: ok love you

J:love you too

Jake kisses Erika's forehead

J: babe your hot

E: I know but not right now

J: no like I'm serious your forehead is really hot

E: oh

J: I mean the other one is true too but your forehead is hot because your sick


J: just lay in bed I'll bring you some medicine ad then go feed the babies

E: ok thank you 

Jake walks downstairs and then goes and gets Erika medicine and then walks back upstairs with a water bottle

J: here 

Erika takes the medicine 

E: thank you 

J: your welcome

Erika takes the medicine

J: now go back to sleep call me or text me if you need anything

E: ok love you bye

J: love you too

Jake walks out of the bedroom and goes downstairs and makes 2 bottles for when the babies wake up. He also makes eggs for him and he gets the baby food out for the babies. After he makes the bottles the babies start to cry

J: right on cue

Jake walks upstairs and goes to the nursery hoping that Erika didn't hear them

Erika POV

How am I supposed to stay in bed when I have two babies that are right next door and are crying for me. I have no clue how I am going to stay away from them today. Jake might have to lock me in this room or else I might get out and get a hold of one of them.

Jake POV

I walk up the stairs and make my way to the nursery and pick Parker up and give Paisley her pacifier and then I change Parker and then do the same to Paisley. 

J: alright clean butts lets go downstairs and get some food in our tummy's

Jake takes the babies downstairs and sits them in their bouncers and walks to the kitchen and gets 2 spoons, the baby food and the 2 bottles and then walks back to the babies and gets in the floor with them

J: alrighty lets get this started 

Jake pulls the boppy on the floor and puts Parker in it and gives him the bottle and then feeds Paisley baby food. Once she is done he pulls the other boppy to the floor and puts her in it and feeds her the bottle. Parker gets done with is and Jake burps him and then feeds him his baby food. When they get done eating Jake takes them and changes them again and then he lets them play downstairs while he cleans the kitchen. When he gets done in the kitchen he walks back to the living room and sees them both asleep. He picks them up and carries them to the nursery and puts them in their cribs and shuts the door and walks to his room. He walks in and Erika is asleep. Jake goes to the shower and gets in real quick. Once he's done he gets out and puts on some clothes and he sees that Erika is awake

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