Happy Birthday

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Erika, Jake, Kade, and Tessa all walk to the elevator and get on it. Tess presses the number 4

T: you ready E

E: I've never been more ready(ha Demi Lovato-Tell me you love me music video)

J: I'm ready

E: yeah but you don't have to push humans out of your penis

J: you right you right

They elevator dings and they get off and press the buzzer

R: yes

J: My wife in labor

R: name

J: Erika Paul

R: alright come on in

The door buzzes and they walk in.

R: hi you can sign insight here and we will take you all to the room

J: ok thanks

E: thank yo- uhhhhh

J: another one

E: yeah * breathes really hard

Jake puts the pin down and walk behind her and rubs her back. Tessa fills out the paper work and Kade goes to get the bags

E: ok it's over thanks* kisses him

J: no problem

R: alright follow me

They follow her into a room

R: is this one god

E: perfect to me

R: alright you can get settled and I will be back in a few minutes. Can put this gown on if you don't mind

E: sure

R: thanks

Erika puts the gown on and the nurse walks back in

R: perfect, ok so can you lay on this bed and I will hook you up to these monitors and start your IV

E: I sure c- uhhhhh

R: wow that close

E: yeah but they are really short like 30 seconds to a minutes

R: oh ok, ok so Mr.Paul

J: Jake please

R: Ok Jake can you help her not this bed so we can start the process

J: sure

Jake help her onto the bed and they hook up the heart monitors and check all of Erika's vitals.

R: ok I'll come back in a couple of minutes to put the IV in

E: ok

Jake pulls the chair next to her and T sits on the couch

J: you ready baby

E: I really don't have a choice now, I just hope we have everything

J: I'm almost positive that we have everything

E: Yeah me too

*knock knock

UK: uncle Kade joins the party once again

N: and I guess me too

They all laugh

N: ok so I am nurse Miley and I'll be your birthing nurse, that means that I will be here from now on until you leave this hospital with 2 new additions

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