Welcome Cooper Levi Speiser

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Erika wakes up with the babies at 6:00 and feeds them

E: you two are happy that I'm all better aren't you

Parker and Paisley are just suckling away at her

Erika finishes feeding them and then burps them and takes them downstairs and starts to make breakfast for her and Jake.

E: what should we make daddy today guys

Parker crawled into the kitchen and sits at Erika's feet

E: yes sir

Parker sticks his hands up at Erika

E: not right now baby I've gotta cook

Parker grabs her leg and stands up holding his arms up

E: baby not right now

Parker starts to cry so Erika gives him his pacifier but he doesn't stop so she picks him up and bring the highchair into the kitchen and puts him in it and mushes up a banana and gives it to him.

E: here Parker stops crying and eats the banana Paisley then comes into the kitchen so Erika does the same with her so that she can watch them both while she makes her and Jakes food.

E: I say we make daddy some eggs and bacon with toast and call it a day.

Erika makes the food and then goes and gets Jake from upstairs

She walks into the room and lays on top of him and kisses his lips and he wakes up

J: good morning

E: morning I made breakfast downstairs come on

J: can I wake up first

E: no come on

J: fine Jake crawls out of bed and he wraps his hands around her waist and kisses her

J: I love you

E: I know

Jake follows Erika downstairs and they get their food and eat after they put the twins on the floor to crawl around. While they were in the middle of eating Jake gets a call from Kade

J: whats up man

K: McKenzie went into labor were heading to the hospital

J: wow ok were gonna get dressed and then were gonna drop the babies off at my parents and then we will meet you up there

K: thanks man

J: no problem be safe

K: you got it

Jake hangs up the phone

E: who was that

J: Kade McKenzie is in labor

E: Ok so whats gonna happen

J: I guess were gonna head up there

E: ok

J: I'm gonna call my mom and see if she can watch them

E: ok, I'm gonna go get them dressed and myself

J: alright I guess it's baby time

E: yep, we've got 10 month olds and they're getting a newborn

Jake calls his mom and Erika goes and gets the babies dressed. She gets them dressed and then Jake comes back up stairs

E: so

J: she's gonna watch them

E: great now we need to get dressed

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