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Today me, Jake, the 3 year old twins, and 1.5 year old Carter are going shopping to get the twins school supplies as they are starting school in 2 weeks.

" so are you ready for our little ones to start school" Jake ask me as we lay in bed next to each other. We had been up for about 15 minutes but we haven't got up because we know that the kids are going to be in our room in a matter of minutes.

" not really. I want them to get out so we can have some peace and quiet but I don't wanna let them grow up." I said as Jake kissed me and we head the pitter patter of feet running down the hallway.

" speaking of little ones." We said as out bedroom door was busted open and Parker and Paisley ran in while Carter cried from his crib. Jake sighed before he put the twins on the bed and went to get Carter. He came back with him and set him on the bed.

" mama" Paisley said as she ran over to my side of the bed and Parker climbed up on Jake's side. Carter walked around to my side of the bed and hit my arm.

I placed him in between me and Jake but her just climbed back over to me and laid in my side. Every morning he had to snuggle me with his pacifier. He was a defiant mama's boy. He loved hanging out and playing with Jake but in the morning time and right before bed he was a defiant mama's boy.

" are you guys ready to go get your book bags for today" Jake asked ad Parker and Paisley sat up and faced us.

" yeah daddy I gonna get Dino bag" Parker said as he raw red at us

" really and what about you Paisley what kind do you want" Jake asked Paisley as he rubbed her hair out of her face

" I gonna get polka dot" Paisley said as she smile as Jake

" that's awesome baby girl. How about we go wake aunt Dani up and then we can get dressed and go get your supply's. How does that sound guys." I asked them as they jumped up and down and Carter clapped his hands

" ok who wants to go get her up while me and daddy get dressed" Jake asked as the twins both raised their hands. We put them on the floor and then Carter as they ran to Dani's room. About 9 months ago I got full custody of Dani becaus when Dan and Angel got a divorce Angel was left with nothing. Dan reported her and then she was taken. They said that she couldn't go live back with my mom and she was heart brokers. Dan said that I could keep her or he would. Me and Jak immediately adopted her and she has lived with us ever since. SHe has actually been a help to me and Jake with the twins and Carter. Angel still sees her because I know that it's not her fault that she was taken from her.

" well we need to get up then and go get dressed because we also have to get 3 other children ready." I said as I pecked Jake's lips and then climbed out of bed.

" we've been married all these years and I still get all hot and bothered by you" Jake said as he got out behind me and spanked my ass as I walked by.

" glad I still get you hard baby." Erika said as she kissed him harder. We walked into the bathroom and started getting ready and then we heard a few loud footsteps followed by smaller ones. Dani walked into the bathroom while holding Carter's hands.

" hey Erika. The twins are eating breakfast but Carter didn't want any" Dani said as Carter took his pacifier out of his mouth and walked over to me and held it out for me to grab

" go put it in your bed buddy" I said as he ran out of the room and went to his room I think.

" we're going shopping in about an hour to get the twins school stuff. You wanna come with us or do you wanna go see mom." I said as she sucked in her top lip

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