Time Skip

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Jake and Erika have ben married for 7 months. Erika just bought up the big question

E: Hey Jake can we talk?

J:Yeah whats up

E: can we talk in private

J: yeah is everything ok

E: yeah everything is great

They walk off into their room and start taking

E: So we've been married for 7 months and I was wondering if you think that it's time to grow our family

J: what do you mean Erika you wanna get another dog, we already have Apollo

E: No Jake think deeper

J: I don't know

Jake POV

I know exactly what she is about to say

E: I wanna start a family Jake I want kids

J: really

E: yeah

J: I'm down but are you sure

E: im more than sure

Time skip again 2 months they've now been married for 9 months. They've tried to get pregnant 3 times. Today Erika was gonna take a pregnancy test.

They get in the car and head to the store to get a test. They go to the isle that they are on and pick out the most expensive one. The go to check out and get back in the car to head home.

E: are you ready baby we could be become parents we could have a mini Jerika

J: im so ready

E: but remember there is a chance that I'm NOT pregnant either

J: yeah but lets just think on the positive side.

E: Right

They pull up into the driveway and park the Tesla and get out.

E: go upstairs I'll be up in a few minutes


E: Tessa can you come here

T: yeah E whats up

E: so me and Jake tried

]T: you mean like try tried

E: yes. like we want a family try

T: oh my god, so are you pregnant

E: we don't know yet the test is upstairs but I'm scared to take it


E: What if its negative

T: Then you can just keep trying until you get pregnant

E: yeah but Jake really wants this like REALLY wants this

T: IF he truly love you and its negative he will try again and again until you have a kid.

E: your right T

T: ok so what are you waiting for, go, go ,go take the test.m

E: ok, ok im going

Erika heads up stairs and goes to the bathroom where Jake has a cup and the test ready for her

E: Your ready aren't you

J: more than ready

E: well lets do this thing

Erika goes and pees in the cup and comes out and unwraps the test and stick the stick in thee for 5 seconds. She takes it out and puts the cap back on. She sestet on the counter and puts the paper over it now the 5 minute waiting game begins.

E: what are we gonna do if its positive?

J: get really excited and get prepared because in 9 months wee gonna have a baby

E: But what is it's negative

J: then we will be a little sad but we will keep trying until I put a little baby in your body

E: haha ok lets just stay positive right

J: right

5 minutes later

E: ok the times up you ready to look

J: yeah lets do it

They walk over to the test and lift the paper off Erika looks at it then back at Jake.

It says.....



Author- Hey guys had to leave you on a cliffhanger should I make her pregnant or should I make her not pregnant you guys decide. Don't forget to vote ideas on what you think should happen next. Peace

Jerika- Life after marriageWhere stories live. Discover now