Open House/ First Day

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Erika POV
We are currently on our way to the twins open house. Carter is with Jakes mom and me, Jake, the twins, and Dani are headed to the school to meet the twins teachers.

" are you excited " Dani asked the twins as Parker nodded but Paisley shook her head

" why not paise" Dani ask as she shrugs her shoulders

" it'll be really fun I promise" Dani days as I smile back at them. Make pulls up to the school and I get Parker out and he gets Paisley out. Dani walks beside us as we walk into the office look at the papers on the wall to see where their classes are.

" who's Parker's teacher" Jake ask me as I find his name

"Mr. White" I said as he chuckled

" Paisley has Mrs. White. They could have teachers that are married" Jake said as we walked out of the office and into the hallway that had Pre-k 3 on it. We walked in and followed the signs to Paisleys class first. Jake our her down but she protested to be picked back up

" it's ok baby girl I'm not leaving you" Jake said he grabbed her hand.

" daddy hol me pwease" Paisley said as she reached her arms out for my husband and he sighed before picking her back up. We walked in and we're met with a women in her late twenties early thirties.

" Hi guys how are you doing" she said as Paisley cowered into Jakes neck

" I'm Mrs. White what's your names" she said as she walked over to us

" I'm Parker" Parker said properly as Paisley cowered farther into Jakes chest.

" Paise y'all her your name baby" I said as she turned to look at her

" Paisley" she said as the teacher nodded

" you just be the twins that me and my husband have" she said as I nodded towards her

" Erika Paul" I said as I shook her hand

" very nice to meet you guys I'm looking forwards to having you in my class Paisley" Mrs. White said as Parker wanted to get down.

" why don't we go find your cubby Paisley then you and your brother can go play while mama and daddy fill out some paper work"  Mrs. white said as Jake our Paisley down but she protested again

" baby girl your ok but we gotta go findd a place to put your book bag tomorrow" Jake said as she grabbed his hand and followed her teacher

" what does your name begin with Paisley do you know" Mrs. White asked as she nodded

" p" Paisley said as the teacher smiled

" good job sweetie. I think this wine says Paisley P. You think that's you " she asked as Paisley nodded.

" I do too. How about you a d Parker go play with those toys while me and mama and daddy fill some papers out. Does that sound good" Mrs.White asked as Paisley nodded

" ask Dani to go with you guys" I said as Paisley reaches for Dani's hand

" go pway" Paisley asked Dani as she nodded. They walked off to the side of the room and began to play as me and Jake filled out the papers and answered some questions.

"Ok so she is potty trained right" Mrs.White asked as I nodded

" great. I do ask that you bring her a change of clothes though in case she does have an accident. And she'd also need a mat to lay on and a blanket for nap time." Mrs.White said as I nodded. We filled out a few sheets of paper and then we were going to Parker's class which was I next door.

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