Untitled Part 22

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15 minutes later 

*knock knock

E:come in 

D: ok so the ambulance is here and do you want to just take the carseats out their 

E: yeah just let me finish feeding them real quick

D: no rush 

E: thanks 

5 minutes later

E: Jake come take him and put him in the carseat and I'll put her in it 

J: ok 

Jake gets Parker and puts him in the carseat and Erika puts Paisley in hers, Jake pick up the diaper bag and they walk out the door

The EMT opens the door and takes the carseat out of Erika's hand and puts it on the stretcher and then takes Parkers and puts him next to her. 

E: I'll se you in 20 minutes 

J: ok love you 

E: love you too 

*they kiss 


E: bye 

The EMT climbs in and the driver shuts the door 

EMT: ok so we are gonna leave them in the carseats and hook up the wires when we get to the hospital 

E: ok 

EMT: They are gonna be ok I promise 

E: thanks 

Eriks sits downs and the driver starts to drive and Jake follows behind them.

20 minutes later they arrive and the driver opens us the door and helps Erika out and then him and the EMT pull the Stretcher out of the ambulance and Jake parks the car and walks over to Erika 

Jake hugs Erika and she starts to cry 

EMT: if you want to follow us you can 

E: ok 

They walk in and Angel is already in the waiting room. She sees them and runs over to them 

A: oh my god baby are you ok 

E: I'm fine 

EMT: I'm sorry family only is allowed back here ]

E: she's my mom 

EMT: ok then follow us please 

Angel grabs the diaper bag from Erika and Jake grabs Erikas hand and they walk into the ER

A doctor stops them half way through ]

D: are these the twins 

EMT: yes, those are their parents, Erika and Jake Paul

D: ok. * he was over to Jake and Erika* ok so I am the pediatric doctor on staff here and take them to the PICU and get them settled in you can come back with us if you want.

E: ok we will, mom are you going

A: yes I'm not leaving your side

E: ok

D: follow us 

The doctor and the EMT's start to walk to the elevator and get in. Jake, Erika, and Angel follow them

They go to the 4th floor and get off and walk to the PICU and they go into a room and the EMT's put the carriers on a bed and a 2 nurses walk in when they walk out. Jake and Angel sit in the chairs but Erika wouldn't.

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