Welcome Home

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So it had been 4 days now and the babies were just released from the hospital. 

J: You get the bag re packed and I'm going to go get the carseats and pull the Tesla back up

E: ok 

Jake walks out of the room and heads to the elevator and gets in and goes downstair and walks out and head to the parking garage. It takes him 5 minutes to find the car but when he does he pulls It up to the front of the hospital and goes back inside to get Erika and the twins. 

J: I'm back 

E: ok 

J: you put Paisley in and I'll put Parker in 

E: Ok, I think that my mom is making dinner and bringing it over 

J: sounds good with me, we get to go home and relax

E: yep, I'm just glad that they got better and aren't sick anymore

J: yeah me too 

Erika and Jake strap them in and then Erika gets the diaper bag and Jake grabs both of the carriers 

J; you ready 

E: yep you

J: waiting on yo 

E: then lets go 

They walk out of the PICU and walk to the elevator and get and then head to the car. Jake puts both of them in and then gets in the drivers seat while Erika puts the bag in the frunk and gets in the passenger seat.

They get in and Jake starts driving 

10 minutes into the drive Parker starts crying 

Erika reaches behind her into the diaper bag and puts his binky in his mouth 

E: here lil man 

PA: *crying 

J: Is it time for him to eat 

Erika checks her phone 

E: yeah how far away are we from home

J: like 20 minutes, do you think he can wait that long 

E:I don't think so 

J: well what do you want to do we are on a highway 

E: I don't know 

J: how about you climb into the back seat and get him out and feed him 

E: Jake your driving 

J: we are in the safest car on the planet 

E: yeah from the front but if we get rear ended then he could smash his head 

J: fine then I will pull into a Starbucks and go in and get us coffee and while I do that feed him 

E: thank you 

Jake gets off of the highway and pulls into a Starbucks and Erika climbs into the back and gets him out nd feeds him 

J: What do you want 

El the usual

J: ok 

Jake gets out and Erika starts to feed Parker and then Paisley starts to cry 

E: oh come on you too 

Erika places Parker in the seat next to her and gets Paisley out and Starts to feed both of them 

15 minutes later Jake comes back 

J: one sugar free Carmel macchiato  with low fat milk

E: thank you can you give me a sip I'm kinda busy right now 

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