Shots for School

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Tomorrow the twins were getting their shots for pre-k and Carter was hanging out with Morgan and Justus for the day so we could focus on them since they were not likely going to be a little mad at us afterwards, and Dani was at Disneyland with our mom. Me and Jake we laying in bed getting a little hot and bothered and then we heard a tiny knock on the door. 

" are you serious" Jake said as Erika chuckled at him. 

" you get to get them... I need a cold shower" Jake said as Erika chuckled at him and she got out of the bed and went to open the door while Jake went to the bathroom. She opened it and Paisley was standing their in her onesie with her bunny in her arms. 

" why are you up baby girl" Erika asked as Paisley reached her hands out for Erika and Erika picked her up and walked back to Paisley's room. 

" no mama... me sweep wif you" Paisley said as she tucked her head into Erika's neck

" baby girl you've gotta sleep in your own bed. Parker does " Erika said as Paisley shook her head and tightened her grip on Erika as she went to put her down. 

" Paisley" Erika said as Paisley shook her head

" mama" Paisley wined. Erika finally gave in and walked back to the bedroom and she placed her down on the bed while she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. 

" who was it" Jake asked as he stepped out of the shower

" Paise... shes in our bed by the way so you might not want to walk out their naked" Erika said as Jake groaned

" when will these kids learn to sleep in their own beds." Jake said as Erika shrugged her shoulders. 

" your guess is as good as mine babe" Erika said as she brushed her teeth while Jake put some boxers and shorts on. After wards he brushed his teeth and they both went back into the room where Paisley was sitting up holding her bunny. 

" baby girl lay down and go night night" Jake said as Paisley reached her arms out for him but he shook her head

" no... I will get in bed with you in a minute" Jake said as Paisley threw her arms down and started to cry

" Paisley if you do not dry your tears you are sleeping in your bed" Jake said as Paisley crawled off of the bed and walked over to Jakes legs and wrapped herself around them and cried some more

" Paisley stop now or else I am taking you back to your bed" Jake said as Paisley sat in the floor and cried. Jake grabbed her under her arms and grabbed her bunny before he placed her on his hip and walked to her room as Paisley started crying louder. Jake opened up her door and shut the one that connected to Parkers before he took her back into her room and laid her in her bed as she screamed at him. Thank god for sound proof rooms

" Paisley you better stop screaming or else I am going to pop your leg" Jake said trying to keep his voice low so he wouldn't wake up Carter or Parker. Paisley crawled out of her bed and tried to go back to Erika but Jake grabbed her and put her back in her bed and covered her up before he walked out of the door and closed it. He made it halfway to his bedroom before he heard Paisley's door open and he saw her stand in the hallway.

" Paisley go get in your bed now" Jake said as Paisley cried and walked back in to her room. Jake  grabbed the extra baby monitor and put it in her room before he walked out again and left her crying in her bed. After 3 more attempts to get her in her bed she was finally knocked out and Jake went back into his room and got into bed next to Erika who was awake 

" is she asleep now" Erika asked as Jake turned his lamp off and nodded before turning to face Erika as he laid down. 

" finally... lets go to sleep " Jake said as Erika nodded and cuddled up to Jake

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