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E: Jake you can't leave now I'm do anytime

J: I know baby but I have too I have to present the award at the Teen Choice Awards. What am I supposed to say, no,

E: thats exactly what the fuck your supposed to say. Your flying halfway across the country and I could go into labor at any time. And you expect me to be 8 months pregnant and taking care of 1 year old twins. Jake I can't even lift them

J: thats why your mom is staying with you until I get back

E: your supposed to be here with me for the last month we talked about this already 2hen we first found out that I was pregnant we said that you're not leaving after I hit the 7 month mark

Jake walked up to Erika and wrapped his arms around her waist as she starts to cry. She lays her head on his chest.

J: I know baby but this is big for me

Erika pushes him off of her

E: Your so fucking selfish. You only care about your damn self. Do you realize what you just said

J: Fuck, bad choice of words

E: no you meant it. Pack your shit and go then go give your god damn grammy grammy away then. I guess I'll just wait for your child to make it's entrance with my mother.

Erika starts to walk out of the bedroom

J: babè

Erika turns around

E: don't fucking babè me, your the jackass thats leaving so just please Jake go so you can get back. I actually want you to go so I an cool off because that can send me into labor even earlier.

J: Erika

E: Jake... just go please

Jake sighs and then finishes packing his clothes. Angel shows up a few minutes later so Erika lets her in and at that time the twins are now waking up

Jake bring his stuff downstairs and Angel gives him a glare

E: do you have time to get them or do we

J: I'll get them

Jake walks upstairs and changes the twins and bring them downstairs.

E: we'll feed them your going to be late.

J: babe please stop

E: Jake just go leave me alone please

Jake picks his bag back up kisses Parker and Paisley and then kisses Erika on the head. He tells them bye and walks out of the door. Her and Angel walk into the kitchen to get the twins breakfast together.

A: Erika

E: what

A: chill out your stressing and thats bad for the baby

E: I know but he's supposed to be here while I'm weeks away from giving birth

A: I know but there is nothing that you can do now so lets just take care of the twins and then you need to sit down so that you can relax.

E: ok

Erika makes their bottles and Angel feeds them breakfast. When they get done eating they put them on the couch and give them their bottles. Angel puts her stuff in the guest bedroom and then sits next to Erika on the couch.


Hours Later in New York

Jerika- Life after marriageWhere stories live. Discover now