Lets do this

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Erika is now 8 months pregnant and they are getting prepared for the babies next month on December 18th.(random date I forgot the timeline...oops). They had jut both woke up.

J: Good morning Rik

E:Good morning soon to be daddy

J: yep 1 month away

E:probably before that, twins normal come early

J: yeah but lets hope they stay in their as long as possible

E:yeah for the good of both of us

J: once they come out its gonna be like all Hell has just broke loose

E: yeah your right

J: you want some breakfast

E: yeah

They get out of bed and walk downstairs 

E: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owww

J: what whats wrong

E: I just got a cramp

J: is it labor

E: no I don't think so I think its just Braxton Hicks

J: oh you want me to carry you to the kitchen

E: yeah it hurts to walk

J: ok my queen

E: shall we king 

Jake picks her up and takes her tot he kitchen and places on the counters

Tessa comes running down the staris

T: what happened are you in labor do I need to get the bag

E: Tessa nothing is wrong no I'm not in labor... I think* she whispers... they are called Braxton Hicks its false labor

T: oh ok wait that means that they are just about ready to come out

E: yes it could mean that so were prepared for anything 

T: Ok but when labor does starts I don't care if its 3 in the morning you get me up and I'm going with you and Jake to the hospital 

E: *laughs* ok what ever you say

T:I'm not lying get me up

J: are you sure Tessa its gonna be multiple hours before she has them we could just call you if its that early

T: NO your gonna take me with you it's final

E: jeez are you pregnant


E: Tessa.....

T: just kidding no I'm not pregnant and Chance haven't done it yet

E: ok you better not be having kids yet

T; you and Jake had sex before marriage

E: yeah but we were engaged and we waited until marriage to have kids

T: yeah your right

E: ok well I'm still hung- ow ow ow ow ow


J: babe are you sure it's not labor

E: no I'm not sure of anything right now

J: lets eat breakfast and then we will call the doctors if your water hasn't broken yet

E: ok

Tessa helps Jake make breakfast and Jake stands between Erika legs and feeds her toast bacon and eggs

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