Day 1

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RECAP: Erika just had the twins

N: ok so now we need to fill out the bath certificates


N: so what is Parkers full name

E: Parker Grant Paul

N: love it

(she writes it down and fills out the certificate)

N:ok and Paisleys full name is...

J: Paisley Michelle Parul

N: I love it guys. Congrats on your beautiful kids and I'm going to let you have a couple of minutes with them and then me and another nurse are gonna come back and take them to the nursery.

E: ok thank you once again

N: no problem

E: oh one more question

N: yes

E: when can we have visitors

N: like who

E: Jakes mom, my best friend and one of Jakes best friends are all in the lobby

N: I can go get them and tel them that you are up for visitors and send them back here if you want

E: yes please

N: ok

She goes and gets them and they all walk into the room

P: knock knock

E: come on in

P: congrats Erika you did it

E: thank you, I would offer for you to hold them but they are eating right now so thats kinda hard to do

P: no no I completely understand, they gotta eat

E: yeah

T: congrats mama E, I'm proud of you

E: thank you T, I love you

T: I love you too

UK: I'm officially an Uncle, congrats guys

J: Thanks Kade, they have a lot of uncles and aunts I think in total they have around, 20 or so

UK: how

E: My family, Team 10, and Logan

UK: oh yeah

They just randomly talked about stuff for 15 minutes until the babies get done eating \

E: well than you seem that you are done eating

Erika pulls them from her boobs and hands Paisley to Jake to burp and she umps Parker.

E: Mom you wanna hold him

A: I would love to but let me get some hand sanitizer first

E: ok

J: mom you wanna hold her

P: it would be an honor to

They both get hand sanitizer and walk back over to Jake and Erika and take the babies

A: oh my god he's so little unlike his mommy who was like 8 pounds

E: hey I'm so sorry that I was a healthy and plump baby

A: no you were my healthy and plump baby

P: she is very tiny though like Jake who was 5.7 when he was born what were they

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