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April 13th 2018

Erika had just woken up. She is now staring at Jake while he sleeps

Erika POV: man he sure is cute when he sleeps.

Erika gets out of bed and goes to the closet to start packing. She's almost completely done when Jake wakes up he walks up behind her an wraps his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder.

Erika:jeez you just scared me half to death.

Jake: oops

Erik is still packing and Jake is just staring at her

Erika: well are you gonna pack or nah

Jake: oh yeah I guess I should start packing.

Erika laughs

They both get done packing and head down stairs to see Team 10 all in the kitchen cooking breakfast

Erika: what's all this

Team 10: Breakfast!!

Tessa: we thought that it would be a good idea to give the newly weds a nice breakfast before there flight.

Jerika: Awww

Jake: thanks guys

Kade: no problem

They all sat down and ate breakfast like a family. Once they got done they all started cleaning dishes. Erika was washing dishes and Jake walked up be hind her and helped her while standing behind her. Anthony took a pic and posted it on Instagram and put " You guys thought it was fake. Look at the rings we have to Paul's living in the house now!!" Everyone got done cleaning and went to the couch Jerikas flight left in 3 hours, so that meant that they could just chill for a 1.5 hours. They all made there way to the couch and Jake laid in between Erika's legs while she played with his hair. Team 10 awwwwed them.

Erika: I guess we're gonna have to get used to that now.

Jake: yeah I guess

Everyone chilled till it was time for Jerika to leave. They said there good byes then got in an Uber and headed to the airport.

Jake : you ready babe

Erika: definitely

Uber driver: where are you two headed?

Jake: we just got married so we're headed to Australia for our honeymoon.

UD: wow congrats guys

Jerika: thank you

They while car ride Jake had his hand on Erika's thigh. When they arrived he opened her door for her and the Uber driver got there luggage.

UD: have a good honeymoon guys.

Jerika: thanks

They walked into the airport and went through security and they still had 45 minutes left so they went to get Starbucks.

Starbucks worker: Hi welcome to starbu- oh its you guys

Erika : what do you want Alissa

Alissa: look I'm just here to take you order so what do you and you jackass boyfriend want

Erika: first of all we're married and second of all the jackass is you. But I want a iced caramel macchiato with almond milk. What do you want babe

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