Honeymoon part 4-5

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April 16th  2018

Jake POV: I had just woke up with Erika on me. shortly after that she woke up.

E: Good morning baby

J: Morning Hot stuff

E: whats on the agenda for today?

J: I thinks just chilling and getting packed for tomorrow because its our last day here.

E: Aww man I wish we had more time

J: Me too, how bout we both get up and go get brunch together and come back to the room and pack then we cuddle and watch movies on the couch/

E: Sounds good to me

They both got up and got dressed. Erika put on a workout outfit and Jake put on a pain or JP signature joggers and a Do goof today shirt and his cream yeezys. They walked out the hotel room and headed to the cafe down the street. Once they got there they got a table and sat down to eat. They ordered there food and waited. when it arrived they ate it, Jake paid and they headed back to the hotel. Once they got back there they talked about kids.

E: So I never asked you but how many kids do you want?

J: Hmmm I think like 2-4

E: really me too I want twins.

J: Me too

E: What do you want?

J: the twins I want to be a boy and and girl and then I just want one or two more.

E: Same

E: I was thinking the name Paisley or Emma for a girl and Mile or Austin or Jax for a boy

J: I love those names.

They got done talking and decided that they would pack. They packed up and decided to watch a romance movie. They were both watching the movie until Erika fell asleep. Jake fell asleep soon after they woke up 2 hour later at 3:30 they both woke up. 

E:We should get up now won't be able to sleep tonight if we see sleeping

J: yeah

They both got up and did small things around Sydney

They stayed out till dinner where they went to a seafood Resturant. They finished and went to the hotel room and dozed off to sleep. 

April 17th 2018 

Erika POV

Today is the day we go home. I'm sad but I'm ready to see Team !0 again. I decided that I'd get up and go take a shower. As I was in the shower I felt a pair of his slide around my waist I turned around and it was my sexy husband Jake

E: Whats this sexy

J: oh nothing I just needed a shower and it was occupied so I thought that I'd join. 

E: oh ok I like that idea.

J: Oh do you

E: yep

They started to make out and thats safari as it went although Jake wanted it to go further. They got out and got dressed and left for the long and exhausting flight ahead of them.

They got a taxi to the airport and got checked in  and went through security. They had 15 minutes left so they just sat in the terminal waiting  for there flight to be called. Once it got called we sat down and the long journey back to L.A. began. 

(T)Tessa: ok guys Jake and Erika are coming back today, we need to get this ouse spotless, ok?

TT (team 10):ok

T: ok me and kade will take Jerikas room, chance get the kitchen, Anthony get the living room, nick gets the office and everyone else just make sure that the house is clean.

TT: ok

T: alright operation keep the TT house clean is a go

They all dispersed among the house and cleaned it until it was spotless. 

Jake POV 

the plane just landed back in L.A. kade was coming to pick us up. We got off the plane and went to get our luggage. We got it and headed outfit the airport to see the Tesla sitting there with its wings open. 

Kade: Service for Jerika'

E: That'd be us

K: hahah welcome home guys how was the honeymoon>


K: Thats good

they drove home and when they got home the house was spotless

E: What happened, why is the house clean?

T:  Chill Rik we cleaned it for you

E: oh oj well thanks guys this means a lot.

The rest of the day Jake, Erika, and Team 10 just talked and caught up with each other and they talked bout what happened while they were gone. By the time they were done it was 11:00 so they all went to bed and Jerika snuggled up in jakes, well now Jake and Erikas, bed and went to sleep.



Author- hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please leave ideas for the next chapter they person I chose gets a shoutout. 

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