Honeymoon part 3

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April 15th 2018

Jake and Erika had just woke up and begun the day.

Jake: Rik(Erika) do you think that we could go get massages today?

Erika: that sounds amazing I really need one I'm tight.

Jake: I can help that

Erika: not like that stupid. My back

Jake: whatever you say. What time do you think we should leave?

Erika: 12:00?

Jake: yeah that sound good

12:00 rolls around

J: babe you ready

E: yeah gimme one sec

J: ok

E:ok I'm ready now

They get down to the spa place and get checked into their appointment.

Receptionist(R): name


R: ok I have you down for a couples massage

E:that's right

R: alright you can both go into the first room on the right and take your closthes off and get into robes

E: ok thank you

R: no problem

They walk into the room and take there clothes off. Jake stares at Erika the entire time.

E: you like what you see there

J: I love what I see there

E: hahah lets just get changed

J: ok I guess

They got robes on and sat on the chairs Erika sat on Jakes lap.

E: you know I love you

J: you know I love you more

E:not possible

J: whatever you say wifey

E: haha alright hubby

The massage people can back in and they laid on tables next to each other. They began the massage and Erika was so thankful for it she fell asleep.  They got done with the massages and put their clothes back on. They walked out to check out. They paid and went to go eat lunch they ate and headed back to the room.

They both got in the shower and made out until Jake turned off of the water and made out with her on the way to the bed. He gentle laid her on the bed he started sucking on her boobs and she moaned. She flipped him over and started rubbing her hands on his abs. He flipped her over and slid into her. She mines really loud and long. He kissed her to shut her up. They did that for about 3 hours on and off. It was more magical than ever. They went to sleep and cuddled each other.


Hope you enjoyed I'll upload 1-2 times a day sometimes more. Don't forget to put you ideas in the comments.

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