Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors Part 2

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Continuation of the last chapter...

As Parker ate his piece of chocolate he stared out the window from his carseat. He now had it all over his hands and all over his clothes. Erika had given him the smallest piece of chocolate possible yet he had managed to get it everywhere. He finished "eating" his chocolate and he closed his eyes and went to sleep leaning his head on his carseat.

"can you drop me off at the store so I can pick up food for lunch" Erika said as she looked at Jake.

"yeah what are you making" Jake asked as he kept his focus on the road.

"Spaghetti and meatballs... is that good with you" Erika said

"sounds amazing" Jake said as. he squeezed Erika's hand. Jake made his way towards a Walmart and dropped Erika off at the front. She grabbed her purse and then headed inside. She was in there for around 20 minutes before she came back out with 3 bags and her purse. Jake pulled up to the front and Erika climbed in setting the grocery's in the floorboard of the backseat under Paisley's feet. She checked on Carter and then turned around in her seat and buckled up and Jake pulled away. They made small talk before he pulled up into the house.

" you get the twins I'll get the baby and the groceries" Erika said as she unbuckled

" you sure?" Jake questioned as he looked at her

"yes I can't carry them yet and I can carry Carter in one arm and the groceries in the other." Erika said as she opened her door to get out. They both climbed out of the car and Jake went and unbuckled Parker taking him inside and taking him out of his clothes before putting him in his crib. He whimpered but went straight back to sleep. He then repeated the same steps with Paisley as Erika got carter's carseat out of the car and the grabbed the groceries. They both walked inside and Jake shut the garage and closed the door as he walked upstairs and Erika set Carter's carseat in living room and she took the groceries to the kitchen and began to cook. Jake came down with Paisley a few minutes later.

" someone woke up from their nap early" Jake said as he walks into the kitchen with Paisley in his arms and he laying her head on his shoulder while she sucks at her pacifier. Erika stirs the sauce then turns around and walks over to Jake and Paisley .

" someone is gonna be grumpy tonight" Erika said as she ran her hand threw Paisley's hair.

" yep, and I get to deal with it" Jake huffed

" thats right because I get to deal with our other child that won't want to sleep tonight." Erika said as she turned back to the food. She placed the noodles in the boiling water and put the meatballs into the sauce. Paisley had now lifted her head up and had her arms wrapped around Jake's neck.

" ok baby girl daddy has to go to the bathroom so he's gonna have to put you down." Jake says as he puts Paisley on the ground. She immediately began to cry for him and reached her arms back up for him.

" hold on let me go to the bathroom first and I will pick you back up. I promise" Jake said as he walked to the bathroom. Paisley fell to the ground and her pacifier fell out of her mouth and she started to cry harder.

" Paisley he's coming back I promise come here." Paisley looked at Erika and Erika picked her pacifier and Paisley got off of the ground and walked over to her. Erika sat down at a chair and she picked Paisley up. Paisley continued to cry into her shoulder so Erika was hoping that Carter would stay asleep through it. Jake came back a few minutes later and Paisley jumped off of Erika's lap and ran to him and he picked her up. She laid her head on his shoulder and stops crying. Jake rubs her back and she falls back asleep on his shoulder.

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