Parker's home

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Erika POV

When I woke up from my nap with Paisley I saw that she was still asleep. I looked at the clock next to me and it said 12:26 so I knew that Jake must have gone to get Parker. I rolled over since Paisley had rolled off of my chest while we were sleeping and she was sprawled out on Jake's side and I saw a note. 

Went to pick up Parker Carter is asleep in his crib. Should be back around 12:30

-Love Jake 

I climbed out of bed and put pillows on both sides of Paisley and then I went and checked on Carter who was still asleep in his crib on his stomach with his butt in the air. I walked downstairs and as I did I heard the garage open and I saw Jake pull into the garage. I went into the kitchen and me and as I was getting a cup Parker came in with Jake trailing behind him. 

" hi mama" he said as he ran up to my legs and hugged them.

" hi monkey... was school fun" I asked him as I picked him up and he nodded his head.

" where sissy" he asked me as I put him down and took his shoes off.

" she's sleeping upstairs she had to come home" I said as he nodded and ran off to the living room to watch his shows. 

" mama potty" I heard Parker yell from the living room. I put my fork that was in my salad down and then I walked over to him where he was holding his private parts and jumping around.

"come on jumping bean" I said as I took his free hand and we went to the bathroom. I helped him do his business and then we walked out and Jake had both Carter and Paisley in an arm as he walked to the living room.

" good morning you two" I said as Carter wiggled out of Jake's arms and walked over to me and stuck his hand up with his pacifier in his mouth. I picked him up and walked to the kitchen to fix him and Paisley some food. 

" Paise baby girl lets eat lunch" I said as she came into the kitchen with Jake and Parker training behind her. I put Carter in his highchair and then put Paisley in her chair before I put their lunch in front of them. 

Carter immediately ate his but I gave Paisley a fork before she ate hers. 

" are you excited that tomorrow is Pajama day guys" I asked them and they both nodded

" didn't you have so much fun today Parker" I asked him and he nodded his head and started rambling  off about how much fun he had. I saw Paisley's head drop so I knew that she was sad that she missed the fun.

" what pajamas are you gonna wear tomorrow Parker" I asked him knowing the answer already 

" my Dino ones" He told me as Jake gave him a sippy cup.

" what about you Paise" I asked her and she put her cup down

" my Minnie pajamas" she said as I nodded. 

" all done" Carter says as he shows me his messy hands.

" ok messy boy let daddy clean you up." I said as I took his tray off leaving him buckled into his highchair but partially free so Jake could wipe his whole body down with baby wipes. 

" mama can we swim"Parker asked me as he came over to me

" sure bubs" I said as Jake threw the baby wipes away.

" lets go put your suits on. Paisley you wanna swim" I asked her and she nodded. 

" how about you Carter?" Jake asked him as he nodded his head. I took the twins and Jake took Carter and we went and changed them. I put Paisley's watermelon bathing suit on and then I put Parkers shark shorts on him and then I went to my room and got into my bathing suit. I walked downstairs and Parker and Paisley were both standing by the glass sliding door. We always kept it locked cause they tried to go outside constantly. We had a fence around the pool but could never be too sure. 

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