Pajama Day

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Erika POV

Today is Pajama day at the twins school and we are going to try getting Paisley to go again because she didn't go yesterday. 

" babygirl its time to get up" I say as I walk over to her toddler bed and crouch down and rub her back as she sleeps on her stomach with her knees/legs tucked under her body and her butt in the air. 

" to early mama" Paisley says as I chuckle at her

" come on missy we've gotta get you dressed for pajama day." I tell her as she turns her head away from me

" no mama" she says as I sit in the floor next to her.

" baby girl you have to go so you can get smart. I think that your going to be watching a movie today with Parker so you won't be alone." I told her as she turned her head back towards me and extended her legs stretching out.

" Weally mama" she asked me and I nodded

" yes girly." I said as I stood up and she reached her arms out to me. 

" come on big girl lets go potty." I said as I walked to the bathroom

" mama I made poopy" she said as I looked sideways at her

" in your pull-up" I asked her and she nodded.

" I was seeping though" she said as I nodded

" I know its ok I'll go get you cleaned up then we can go peepee" I told her and she nodded. I grabbed a pack of wipes out of her closet and laid her on the ground then took her pajama pants off and then undid the sides of her pull-up to see that she had indeed pooped which was weird.

" is your tummy upset Paise" I asked her and she nodded at me.

" do you wanna wear a pull-up today or undies." I asked her as she pointed to her pull-up.

"ok lets get you cleaned up then you can go potty." I said as I cleaned her up then left her pull-up off and sent her to the bathroom. She came running back in a few minutes later and I knew she hadn't washed her hands.

" go wash your hands like a big girl." I said as she ran back out and then came back in with clean hands as she showed them to me. 

" thank you now come here." I told her as she came over to me and put her hands on my shoulders as I was sitting in the floor and she stepped into a pull-up.

" you still have to go potty in the big girl potty at school ok this is just incase you are sleeping and have an accident." I told her and she nodded.

" what pajamas do you wanna wear". I asked her as she ran over to the drawer that had her pajamas in it and pulled out her Sofia the First shortsleeved shirt and pants pajamas set.

" ok girly bring them to me" I said as she brought them over to me and I took her shirt off then put her new pajama shirt on then her pants. 

" lets go fix this hair now" I said as I stood up and she followed me down the hall but we heard Parker crying.

" go wake Aunt Dani up and tell her to get ready sweet girl." I said as she ran off to Dani's room and I walked into Parker's room to see Jake sitting in the floor of his room as Parker stood clutching his favorite pair of fleece pajama in his hand mind you that it was 90 degrees outside because its August in California. 

" Parker it's to hot to wear those." Jake said as Parker bounced himself up and down as he didn't like what Jake had said.

" he wants to wear the dinosaur train ones" I asked Jake and Jake nodded

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