Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors

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Erika POV

Today all three kids have doctor appointments, the twins have their yearly checkup at 10:00 and then Carter has his two week appointment at 12:00. Jake is coming along with me to help with the twins. We are now up at 8:00 getting all the kids dresses and ushered into the car but Carter is being clingy today. He has not left my arms at all because he immediately begins to cry. 

E: Jake go get the twins up and bathe them please 

J: ok 

Jake walks out of the bathroom and goes into the twins room to get them bathed. Erika lays Carter in his rocker in the bathroom so she can finish doing her makeup, that however does not last long because he begins to cry again 

E: Carter mama has stuff to do she can't do it if your being held the whole time. 

She pops his pacifier back into his mouth and then gently rocks the rocker in attempts to get him to stop crying. She manages to get him to stop after a few minutes and gets back to doing her makeup she gets almost completely done when he begins to cry again 

E: oh my god

Erika picks him back up and bounces him until he stops crying. 


J: What 


J: ok

Jake comes running in a few minutes later with it and gives it to her then runs back out of the room to go tend back to the twins. 

E: ok buddy since you won't let me put you down you can just hang out on me 

Erika puts the wrap on then places him in the center of her chest making sure that he is safe before she finishes her make up and does her hair. She gets done and Jake comes in carrying the twins who are now clean and ready to be dressed. 

E: why are you guys naked 

Parker squirms out of Jake's grasp and runs into Erika's legs naked, hugging her legs ,and squealing 

E: come on guys lets get some diapers on you two. 

Jake picks Parker back up and they both walk to the twins room Jake puts diapers on them and Erika picks out their clothes 

E: Can you manage to get them both dressed while I go deal with little man 

J: yep 

E: ok 

Erika pecks Jake before walking out of the room and walks intoCarter's nursery 

E: ok little one lets get you dressed and fed 

Erika picks him some clothes out and lays them on the changing table she then unwraps him causing his to cry again. She puts a pacifier in his mouth and then lays him on the changing table and changes his diaper leaving him in just that while she sits in the rocking chair and lifts her shirt and allows Carter to feast from her breast. 

Jake POV

J:ok who wants to get dressed first 

They both ran and hid in the corner 

J: nu-uh come on 

He pulls Paisley out of the corner first and takes her over to the changing table. He put her shirt on and then her shorts on. He placed her sandals on her feet then placed her on the ground he then picked up a squirming Parker and laid him on the changing table. Parker struggles to get off of the changing table and get back to the floor

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