All a Dream

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Jake and Erika blackout after the crash the babies stay conscious but are screaming. they wrecked near on a busy street so everybody sees them and comes rushing over. 

S(Stranger): hello mr. miss can you hear me 

Erika's eyes shot open ands screams out in pain because her leg is pined by the door when the other car ran the stoplight and slammed into her side of the car. 

S: ma'am please calm down can you tell me your name 

Erika s crying

E:  Er-Erika 

S:ok Erika my names John I'm an EMT I'm going to help you, your husband, and your babies ok 

E:Ok, are my babies ok 

JO(John): I'm going to check on them right now 


Erika looks over at Jake and sees a cut on his head 

E:Jake baby wake up please baby wake up 

Erika runs her hand through his hair and check his pulse to see if he has one...he does 

E: JAKE please baby wake upI need you we need you

JO: Hey Erika I know that you want him awake right now but he is unconscious and inpossible shock so he might  not wake up. 

E: ok ok 

Another stranger and his wife ran out of their house and over to the wreck 

S: ohms god are you guys ok 

JO: thank god ok look that lady in the front her name is Erika, the man next to her is her husband Jake, these are their two babies the person in that other car hasn't been checked on yet can you or your wife go check on them and then I need one of you to help me get these babies out so they don't go into shock or hyperventilate 

S: ok my name is David and this is my wife Kim 

JO: ok David can you go check on the other driver and Kim can you help me out over here I may EMT

KI: for sure 

JO: ok the babies just have a few bumps scrapes and bruises on them so we can take them out but Erika's leg is pinned and Jake is still unconscious 


Kim walks over to Erika 

K: hey Erika my name is Kim and I am going to help you and your babies ok

E: ok 

K: can you tell me there names 

E: Parker and Paisley 

K:well Parker and Paisley are perfectly fine except a couple of bruises and things like that so I am going to take them out and if it is ok I have a baby of my own who is 9 months old in my house right now with my nanny so with your permission can I take them inside and give them some baby food 

E: su-sure 

K: ok thank you 

E: can you bring them to me first 

K: of course

Kim walks back to John who has Parker out and is still crying. She gets Paisley out and then they walk to Erika's wind 

E: hey baby look your going to leave me for a little bit while me and dada get out of this car but I promise that I am going to get back to you very soon ok 

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