Honeymoon Part 2

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April 14th 2018

Jake had just woke up with Erika on his chest.

Jake(J) POV: awww look at her all snuggled up on me. Man I still can't believe that she's mine.

Jake soon fell back asleep.

1 hour later

Jake wakes up and look at Erika who is already awake

J: good morning beautiful

Erika(E): good morning handsome. Last nice was amazing.

J: definitely I know that there will be more of that.

E: hahah yeah for sure. You want to get up now

J: no not really but I guess we can

E: ok( peck him on the lips)

They both got up and got in the shower together. Jake pinned Erika to the wall and made out with her. But that's as far as it went. They both got out and got dressed for the day. They went and got breakfast together. 

J: this is some of the best breakfast ever

E: I could get used to this

They finished there breakfast and decided that they would get a tour.

(On the tour) tour guide-TG

TG- welcome and today we will be touring the beautiful Sydney, Australia. Are we here for a special occasion?

E: Yes it's our honeymoon

TG: well congratulations and I hope that you love out city and I hope that your marriage last long

J: oh it will I know( pecks Erika's lips )

They went on the tor and visited the Opera House, the Harbour Bridg, Bondi Beach and many more.

E: wow this place is beautiful

J: yeah

The tour was done with and they went to eat lunch. They ate lunch and then went to go shopping. They went to the queen Victoria Building mall and Erika shooed so hard that Jake and her both had bags to carry.

J: don't you think that you've shopped enough?

E: yeah I'm tired now  let's go back to the room and take a nap.

J: fine by me

They went back to the hotel and put the bags down they laid on the bed and cuddled up and fell asleep.

2 hours later

They both woke up and decided that they would order room service. They ordered it and sat on the couch and watched TV. Jake and Erika had vlogged a little bit that day so they decided that they would explain there relationship to there fans and then do a Q&A. They finished the Q&A and their food showed up and they are and went to sleep. That day was short but they enjoyed it very much.

Hey guys this one was short but I'm in Government right now and got bored so I hope you have a great day and peace. - Author

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