Happy Birthday

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Today is the Twins first birthday , were inviting Tessa Chance who's wedding is in 2 weeks, the Speiser's  who got married a week after they had Cooper, all of team 10 and a few other people.


PA: *crying* mama dada

PI: Dada

Erika woke up

E: Jake get up

J: why

E: A. It is the Twins birthday and B. They're awake so come on we've got to set up

J: ok I'm getting up

Erika and Jake crawl out of the bed and make their way to the nursery to get the Twins room.

E: good morning my little one year olds

Parker sticks his hands out for Erika to pick him up and Paisley does the same to Jake. 

J: who is ready for their first birthday party

Paisley just laughs at Jake

J: how about you Parker

Parker just tucks his head into Erika's neck

E: say dada it's to early for all of these questions

J: I agree but how about we go get some breakfast before we get this party started

E: mama agrees

Erika and Jake change their diapers and then they walk downstairs and to the kitchen. They put the Twins on the floor and they crawlbehind Jake and Erika closely

J: what are you making

E: WE' RE making pancake

J:sounds good with me

Erika starts to make the batter and Jake gets the griddle out and turns it on

Erika then gives the batter to Jake and he starts to fry the pancakes while Erika puts the dishes up from the night before.

J: alright breakfast is ready

E: alright thanks babe

J: no problem

Erika picks Parker up and takes his clothes off and puts him in his high chair and Jame does the same with Paisley

Erik's gets their cups and puts some water downed apple juice into each of them and then gives them to them while Jake cuts up their panckakes and puts them in plates  and then gives it to them and then gets plates for himself and Erika and then they both sit down and they all four eat.

E: so what all do we have to do today

J: I know Chance and Kade are coming over in about an hour and a half to help set  up.

E: ok Tessa and McKenzie are coming over with them and  think that we are gonna go gate the cake and a ew last minute things from Party City

J: ok what are we doing with these two rascals

E: I'm hoping that they are gonna be sleeping and i can leave them with you while we go get the stuff

J: yeah for sur

E: ok I will get them dressed after I get back.


They eat for another 10 minutes and then they get done but the Twins are still eating so they get up and clean the rest of the kitchen.

E: I can't believe that a year ago I had these two a guys

J: I know and I am proud of you

E:thank you baby

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