Paisley's first day

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Paielsy's POV: 

" I wan mama" I told my teacher as she held me at her desk

" I know baby girl but you have to stay with me so you can learn. " she said as I cried louder for my mama. I don't know why she left me, she said I had to learn but I don't wanna.

" do you have to go potty Paisley" she asked me as I nodded

" ok lets go" she said as she put me down and took me to the back of the room and opened a door

" do you need help or can you do it by yourself" she asked and I nodded my head

" ok " my teacher said as she helped me take off my shorts and then my undies. She helped me sit on the toilet and I wiped my self after I went peepee because mama said I was a big girl. She then helped me pull my undies and shorts back up before we washed our hands. We then walked out to the room and she gathered all of the other kids.

" come on guys lets go sit on the carpet so we can get started." she said as she took my hand and walked me over to the carpet. she went to put my hand down but I wined and had her pick me back up. The other teacher in the room came over to me and took me off of Mrs.White. I laid my head on her shoulder but she sat me on the floor and then sat behind me so we could do what the other people were doing. One of the other kids was crying to and he was standing up in the corner. Once I looked closer to him I saw it was Cooper

" Cooper can you come join us buddy" the teacher asked the other kid in the corner who was crying but he shook his head and screamed as he ran to the door and tried to open it. Mrs.White walked over to him and picked. He screamed once in her arms so she pressed a black button in the wall and a buzzer sounded

" yes " the speaker said as we all looked at it.

" can you send Lester to my room please" the teacher asked.

"she will be there in a minute" the speaker said as a buzzer sounded again

" Cooper can you please calm down buddy" our teacher said again as he shook his head

" I want mama and dada" he said as she nodded

" I know but you're here right now bud" she said as another knock came to the door. She opened it and in walked an old lady

" what seems to be the problem bud" she asked as she ran her hand over Parkers back. I still wanted my mama still but we were all looking at him. 

" do you want me to call his mama he hasn't stopped crying since he got here. The other one that was crying stopped but he hasn't." my teacher asked as the older women nodded

" yeah" she said as she walked over to us.

" hey guys, I'm Mrs.Lester and I'm what you call a principal. If you ever need anything you can always talk to me ok?" she asked as we nodded and some of us said ok. We watched a few videos with this funny lion and then a knock was at the door. The pincipal, I think is what she's called opened the door and I saw Aunt Mackenzie walk through along with Uncle Kade.

" Uncle Kade!!!" I yelled as I jumped off of the floor and ran to his arms as he crouched down and hugged me while Aunt Kenzie took Cooper off of our teacher

" buddy why are you crying" she asked him as I laid my head down on Uncle Kade's shoulder. 

" I wan you" he said as he pointed to Aunt Kenzie

" if you don't mind me asking how do you know Paisley" Mrs.Lester asked as Uncle Kade spoke up.

" she's my niece" Uncle Kade said as the pincipal nodded

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