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Erika POV:

The twins just turned 9 months old today. I can't believe that 9 months ago I pushed these 2 little things out of me. Boy was that painful but boy was it worth it. Parker can crawl now but Paisley still can't. She was always a little slower than him in the learning curve. Jake started back vlogging about 6 months ago. He always manages to make time for the vlog and us. He is literally the best husband/dad ever. Parker can now say mama and dada and paisley can say mama.

6:00 AM


E:I'm coming hold on

Erika rolls out of bed and walks into the nursery and picks him up and changes his diaper and then breastfeeds him. She decided that she didn't want to switch to formula when they hit 7 months old and that she wanted to go on until they were 1.



J: I'm coming

Jake rolls out of bed and goes into the nursery and picks Paisley up, shushes her and then changes her diaper and gives her a pacifier while Eriks finishes feeding Parker

E: buddy your taking you time today and your sister is hungry, I need you to hurray up

Parker finishes 10 minutes later and Paisley is not happy about having to wait


E: I know baby girl one more second, Jake trade

Jake grabs Parker and gives Paisley to Erika

E: alright there you go little one

Erika latches Paisley and she eats for 20 minutes and then she stops and Erika fixes herself and then walks downstairs to Jake making breakfast and Parker crawling around on the floor

E: hello my boys

J: hey babe

Jake kisses Erika and then Erika puts Paisley on the floor and she starts creeping around on the floor( this is when the babies belly is not fully lifted off of the ground and they do not use their legs as much but they can still move on the ground)

Erika helps Jake finish making breakfast


E: yes baby

Parker sticks his hands up at her

E: hold on

Parker puts his arms down and crawls over to Erika's leg and grabs it

E: buddy I gotta move

Erika pulls him off and puts him back on the floor and he starts crying

J: is he teething again

E: I think so

J: when will this ever stop

E: umm that is a question that only he can answer

J: haha... Here ( he gives Parker a pacifier and he takes it)see problem solved

E: for 10 minutes until we get done eating and then he wants to be held again

J: yeah I know

Paisley sits by Parker and just stares at him and then takes the pacifier out of his mouth and starts to suck on it

Parker then takes it back and then Paisley does the same but that time Parker starts to cry

E: come on really Paisley

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