Coming Home/Doctor Appointment

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RECAP:Erika and the twins got released from the hospital and are now home


Angel was already at the house. She had been there for 5 minutes and then Jake pulled up

J: Stay in the car until I get you our

E: Ok

Jake walks around to her side and opens up the door and helps her get out and then she grabs the diaper bag and walks inside to there room while Jake grabs the twins and Angel gets the bags

A: where do you want these

J: um go ask Erika

E: ask me what

A:where do you want the bags

E: you can put them in our room

A: ok

Angel walks up the stairs and puts them in Erika and Jakes room

E: Jake put them in the floor and go get the bouncers please

J:you got it

Jake puts the carseats down and goes to the nursery to get the bouncers.

E: mom can you get Parker out of the carseat while I get Paisley.


Angel gets Parker and Erika gets Paisley and hands him to Erika while she takes the Carseats upstairs to the nursery

E: alright little ones, this is your new home, this is where you are gonna grow up and become like mommy and daddy

Parker then smiles

E: really dude really

Erika walks up the stairs and goes t the nursery to change him

J: why you up here

E: he pooped

J: oh

Erika outs Paisley in the crib and brings Parker to the changing table and changes him.

E: all better(Parker smiles)aww babe he smiled at me

J: awww

PI: craning

J: does Paisley want some attention as well

PI: crying

J: hold on

Jake walks over to the crib and picks her up.

PI: crying

E: mom what time is it

A: 2:06

E: ok

J: wy

E: she's hungry

J: oh ok well you give me him and take her and feed her

E: no I'm gonna just feed them both so I don't have to do this again

J: ok

Erika sits in the rocking chair and starts to feed Paisley and the Parker starts crying

E: told you

J: right on cue

E: yep, pass hi over

Jake passes him over

E: Hold on one second buddy

Erika unlatches the other side of her nursing bra and starts to feed him

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