First Fight

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April 20th (skipped a couple days)

Jake POV I just woke up and Erika was not in bed, me and her got into a little argument yesterday about Alissa.


Erika: Jake what is this!

Jake: What!

Erika: This (shows him a picture of him and Alissa kissing

Jake: babe that was like 3 years ago

Erika: no its now look that is exactually what you wore yesterday!

Jake: Babe you actually believe that I would cheat on you/

Erika: yes, no, I don't know, all I know is that this better be fake or else were done!

Jake: How could this be true it I was with you all day yesterday

Erika: I don't know

Jake: exactly 

Erika: I'm sorry

Jake: a sorry isn't gonna cut this one Erika. I can't believe that you think that I would actually cheat on you.

Erika: babe come on really I'm sorry you know that I am

Jake: I think that I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight

Erika: No your to were gonna sleep in the same bed because you're my husband and were supposed to sleep in the same bed.

Jake: Fine but don't expect any cuddling tonight

Erika: Whatever Jake


I woke up and went downstairs to se breakfast made and a note.

The note said: Dear Jake,

I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday I shouldn't have  gotten mad or even thought that you would have cheated on me. I went out t o get us Coffee I'll be back in about 30 minutes.

-Love Your Wife/ Bae/ Sexy momma- Erika

As soon as he read that last word the door opened it was Erika. he ran up to her and grabbed the coffee and put it on the the counter and grabbed her face and smashed his lips on to hers at first she didn't kiss back but then she realized what was happening and kissed back. 

J: I'm sorry baby I overreacted yesterday I shouldn't have gotten mad over something so stupid like that

E: No I'm sorry for not belu=eving you when you said that you didn't do but.

J: Can you forgive me/

E: yes but can you forgive me? 

J: you'll just have to wait till tonight to figure that out

E: ohhhh I like where this is going

J: haha, lets eat

They both ate and Jake kept his hand on Erika thigh the whole time. Tessa and Team 10 walked down the stairs and see the making out in the kitchen. Tessa videos this and team 10 is screaming at them.


Jake and Erika are still making out Jake flicks them off an they walk out. Jerika makes out for another couple minutes and then they walk into the living room after cleaning up the kitchen.

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